• Form Macros for default info in kentico 13
    Question May 4, 2023
    Can you no longer use macros like to auto fill in form data?

  • Alternate of Page Nesting in Kentico 13.
    Question Jun 19, 2023
    Before in Kentico 7 using Page nesting, we were able to use different layouts of its Parent/Root node in child page templates to get different header/footer themes. But in Kentico 13 we have nothing such as to achieve this. Could you provide us an alternate way to implement ...

  • Send a contact "ID" to Google analytics
    Question Jul 10, 2023
    Is it possible to send contact IDs to Google Analytics when submitting a Google event or on a per-page basis (eg https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ga4/user-id/?client_type=gtag). As a marketer, we would like to be able to link users activities picke...

  • Modify the colour picker control to show the selected colour
    Question Aug 14, 2023
    When I select a new colour in the drop down list box, Then I will see the colour displayed in the preview box: ibb.co/kSYd9kH

  • Delete Temp Uploads Scheduled Task in Azure App Services
    Question Sep 22, 2023
    Our client has a Kentico 13 instance hosted in Azure via two Azure App Services (CMS site and MVC site). They have a form builder form setup using the file uploader component. We noticed that the temporary uploads folder is not being cleared out by the "Delete old temporary up...

  • Sharing forms across sites
    Question Oct 26, 2023
    Hi, I have a Kentico 13 MVC instance with multiple sites. There are a few forms created only on the main site. Is there any way to display these forms on other sites? We are using a custom form widget with the code below: @Html.Kentico().RenderStandaloneWidget(SystemC...

  • views not publishing
    Question Dec 4, 2023
    Has anyone run into an error where their views are not being included in the published version of the site? It just started today, I did install the latest versions of .net on my computer on Friday, but the site as far as I know is still running in 6.

  • V13 Macro for IsMobleDevice not found.
    Question Jan 5, 2023
    in Kentico V12 we were using to be able to switch the menus depending if the device was mobile or not, now we are updating to V13 and I am finding that macro is non-exsistant. Is there a way to accomplish this in the new Kentico system?

  • CORS issues after upgrading Kentico 12 to latest hotfix
    Question Feb 14, 2023
    Hi I recently updated our Kentico website from 12.0.77 to 12.0.101 because there was a bug that was solved in a later hotfix. I noticed that after this, well I assume that this caused it, API calls are not processed correctly anymore and resulting in CORS issues. So there is...

  • Widget controller postback and route attribute
    Question Feb 22, 2023
    Hello all We've had a small feature break in our K13 MVC framework project, for reasons unknown. The feature performs a postback to a widget controller action, similar to the example below taken from the DG sample site. [HttpPost] [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] [Val...

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