• Smart Search results: Display DocumentName instead of title for a search result
    Question Nov 12, 2019
    Hi, In smart search transformation I want to display DocumentName when a search result displays results from PageType News. Is there a way to have a if else condition to display either title or document name based on a page type? Another issues: When smart search displays re...

  • Getting all documents from a smart search index via API
    Question May 17, 2016
    I'm working with the smart search API and am stuck trying to find a way to return **ALL** documents from a given index. I've found a couple of similar questions on here (like [this](https://devnet.kentico.com/questions/get-all-items-from-searchindex) and [this](http://devnet....

  • Getting pager to respect MaxPages set on Smart Search Results web part
    Question Aug 3, 2017
    Hi I have a Smart Search Results Web part on which I am setting a MaxPages of 100. The reason being my search index is configured to return a maximum of 1000 results and when there are more results the paging keeps on going but there are no results to display. I cannot get ...

  • Only 10 pages are coming into smart search result.on other pages no results.
    Question Jul 2, 2018
    In smart search result ,I have 1500 records(i.e. 1-150 pagination) ,I have implemented paging through universal pager ,each page have 10 records,but it is showing only upto 1000 records(i.e. page 100) from 100 -150 data is not rendering/coming from database, how to fix this?

  • Kentico 10 - Content Staging w/ Smart Search Indexing Enabled
    Question Feb 22, 2017
    I'm having an issue with Kentico, hotfix 10.0.10, where I stage a large chunk of content. When I disable Smart Search Indexing on both servers, the content stages as expected. Is this a performance issue? IIS configuration issue? Or something else? The error I receive is: `T...

  • How to create document crawler smart search index using the API?
    Question Feb 24, 2013
    How to create document crawler smart search index using the API?

  • Smart Search does not work correctly with names that end in 'y'
    Question Apr 26, 2017
    When searching for people on one of our websites, smart search does not return any of the people that have names that end in 'y', on the front end of the site, when they are searched for by their full first name. For example, when searching for 'Tiffany', that person does not...

  • Customize search results in Custom Table smart search index
    Question Dec 27, 2014
    I have a smart search index for a custom table, which returns results as expected when using the smart search web part. However, the hyperlink associated with the search results does not link to anything. How can I have the search results link to a specific page which display...

  • Display variants with sql query using smart search filter
    Question Nov 23, 2018
    I am trying to write a sql query in the smart search filter to show the available variants of that category page can you suggest how to write it,I tried this way SELECT 'SKUID',s.SKUID,c.CategoryDisplayName FROM COM_OptionCategory c INNER JOIN COM_SKUOptionCategory s ON c.Cate...

  • Smart Search - custom index to search PDFs in media library
    Question Sep 1, 2015
    Hi, Anyone here created a smart search index for searching PDF content that are stored in Media Library? I created a very basic smart search custom index that searches for content in PDFs. It works on some PDFs but when I tried testing on more PDFs it crashes. Does not "li...

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