• Restricting the set of Users a particular administrator can manage
    Question Aug 31, 2017
    Hi, I'd like to be able to allow particular administrators to manage (CRUD) ONLY certain groups of users (segregated by user role or some other property). Is this something that is possible within the standard Users application or would I have to create a custom module? Thank...

  • Cannot delete a webpart
    Question Oct 17, 2015
    Hi, I added a web part for LogonForm and checked the update panel property. After checking the use update panel property it gave me below error even in the edit mode. The control collection cannot be modified during DataBind, Init, Load, PreRender or Unload phases. Now I am...

  • Kentico webpart or widget with angular 5
    Question Jan 17, 2018
    Hi Does anyone have experience with webparts & angular 5? What would be the best approach to achieve this? * 1 app with multiple components which you can use inside different webparts * per webpart an angular app (this doesn't seem to be the way to go) For example: We want...

  • Limiting data that is returned from Smart Search Results
    Question Mar 6, 2018
    Hello, I'm needing some guidance with Kentico search. I've already read a good number of articles and feedback in trying to find solutions with no success. Here is the scenario that I'm trying to achieve. 1. User inputs some text into the search field and submits 2. search ...

  • Custom Mega Menu - top level first item not taking CSS styling
    Question May 1, 2014
    Pretty simple question here. Please see the image below. ![example](http://imageupper.com/s02/1/2/N13989735782303202_1.png) I followed the instructions [here](http://devnet.kentico.com/articles/creating-a-mega-menu-(step-by-step)) and [here](http://devnet.kentico.com/artic...

  • Multisite Azure Application Gateway App Service MVC configuration issue - 502 error
    Question Nov 6, 2018
    We have a MVC Kentico 11 MVC site. It hosts multiple websites. We are trying to set up an Azure Application Gateway that points to two App Services, one MVC, one for Kentico admin. So far I have the Kentico admin working properly - multiple domains can all access the CMSDe...

  • MVC Url Pattern
    Question Jan 11, 2019
    Hi everyone, is it possible to use the NodeAliasPath as the url pattern in a mvc application? Somehow following setup is not working with the NodeAliasPath and the DocumentNamePath as well: routes.MapRoute( name: "Default", url: "{ NodeAlias...

  • Add content from multiple sites to a single Azure Search index
    Question Nov 6, 2020
    Hi, I have an existing Kentico 12 Asp.Net WebForms application that I am mostly replacing with a new MVC application. I want to implement search for the new application using Azure Search and to build out the search results pages in MVC. And, I'll be shifting the domain of ...

  • Caching question using Xperience 13
    Question Nov 17, 2020
    I am looking over caching methods in Kentico 13 .net Core. Specically looking at the **RepositoryCacheHelper** class, and **CachePages** method. My current use case is wanting to cache all pages of a given PageType, and invalidate the cache if any of the pages change. The b...

  • blogs on different server
    Question Mar 16, 2021
    Hello, It is possible to manage the blogs independently on another server with kentico and make references to them in an instance of the cms on another server.

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