• Smart search index cannot rebuild immediately
    Question Oct 17, 2018
    I created a smart search index. But when i rebuild it i saw message **Rebuild task has been scheduled. It may take a few moments for the task to be executed.** Even when i set key **CMSProcessSearchTasksByScheduler** in **AppSettings** to **false** I don't know what i'm miss...

  • How to work with Kentico
    Question May 17, 2018
    Hello, I am new to Kentico, can someone tell me how to use the license key to my local visual studio solution. When I am starting the debug process of my solution, kentico redirects me to https://localhost:1469 and given SSL error. I don't know how to proceed further. Kindly ...

  • Advanced Workflows and Scope tabs missing
    Question Jul 18, 2018
    We are having an issue where the ability to create advanced workflows and the scope tabs are entirely missing from the Workflows application. I am currently logged in as a global administrator so permissions should not be the problem. We are totally stumped and any help you ...

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