• Missing UI Icons/images
    Question Feb 20, 2015
    Please help. I just discovered that the images on the document tree in the cms desk and also in the administration is all missing . All i get are broken images. I have checked the path to the APP_Themes/default/images/images.zip and its all present there. i have checked permis...

  • jquery does not work in Preview mode
    Question Mar 15, 2015
    Hi, I am using Bootstrap tabs in one of my page. In each of the tab I need to put editable we part, so that in preview mode, various text can be entered. Tabs seem to work fine in Live mode, but tabs are not working in Preview mode. I am using some jquery script to show /hide ...

  • Automating site import
    Question Jun 25, 2015
    Does anyone know a way to automate site export-import process? At the moment, I have a template site which I manually export and then import every time I need a new site, and this happens quite often. Ideally, I would like to fully automate the site creation process but I don'...

  • Responsive image gallery
    Question Jul 22, 2016
    Hi, We are trying to present a Board of Directors page with 43 images in a responsive manner, perhaps using a gallery. Right now we are using a table and inserted the images [Board page](http://www.amo.on.ca/YourAssociation/BoardofDirectors). Has anyone developed a page and ...

  • Format the Date and Time of a Form Calendar Input
    Question Aug 8, 2017
    Hello Kentico Team, I have a form which uses the Calendar form builder tool. When the user selects a date the input gets filled out with the simplified date "8/8/2017". I would prefer that the input be returned as "Tuesday, August 8, 2017". Is it possible for me to set the f...

  • New to Kentico 10, Looking for examples of code required for Transformations
    Question Jan 19, 2018
    I am new to Kentico 10 and have been looking through the documentation for examples of your transformation methods, not just a description. For example, I have created a hierarchical transformation of my bootstrap 4.0 menu code. I now need to test a link to see if it is acti...

  • Alternative Form With Different Layout
    Question Dec 22, 2017
    Hello, I have a problem when I want to make different layouts. I made a form with specific layout, and after that I made an alternative form with different layout. In every field I added Visibility condition "Current device max screen size in range 0 to 768" but always shows ...

  • Kentico Content Personalization Variant not working
    Question Mar 5, 2018
    Hello Guys, i have been trying to make one of the available macro conditions in the content personalization variant for a webpart work. So i have setup a custom webpart that would display a bootstrap carousel, I have created a webpart variant for it. and that webpart variant...

  • smart search
    Question Aug 16, 2018
    hello kentico dev i try to apply a smart search while click on button search there is modal in header display result but the problem is that the page load and modal dessaper i want get result without load the page any idea thank you ![Image](https://cdn.pbrd.co/images/Hzqodl2....

  • Media Library on a Structured Page - Kentico 11
    Question Nov 27, 2019
    Hello, All my pages are structured pages running from one template. My page types control what elements on the template get shown. I want my end user to be able to select a folder in the media library via their structured page. **What field type/control should I use?** Then...

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