Webpart to call .svc web service

Rahul Raghuvanshi asked on July 12, 2015 06:50


I need to call a .svc web service url and load data from web service result. I explored that there are some Kentico webpart for web service call, but that is taking .asmx service url as input properties.

Is this any web part which I can use to call .svc service url with specific parameters?

My .svc service also required username and password authentication to load data, also please let me know how I can configure this credentials also when call from webpart. or do I need to implement custom code to call .svc service and get data into repeater webpart?

Please guide me how I can achieve .svc service call.

Thanks in advance.

Recent Answers

Debashis Raybiztech answered on July 13, 2015 12:02 (last edited on July 13, 2015 12:03)

To add a web service reference within Kentico CMS solution, these steps must be followed:

  1. Create sample WCF service and publish it on your IIS [1]
  2. Launch Visual Studio as administrator
  3. Right-click on CMSApp --> Add Service Reference a. Enter address to WCF service b. Go (web service found) c. Select namespace d. Ok (wait for service reference to be added – it may take several minutes)

Go to "Configure Service Reference…" dialog and setup it as per the following screenshots:




  1. Rebuild solution.

  2. Create sample Kentico web part [2]

  3. Reference service in the sample web part’s code-behind.

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