My site has as url domain.com/nl-be/home. The part nl-be comes from the setting: Use language prefix for URLs. Is there a way, when surfing to domain.com, I'll see the homepage, but the url doesn't change.
Use language prefix for URLs
So when surfing to domain.com, as url, I want to see domain.com, but when surfing to domain.com/nl-be/home, I also want to see domain.com.
Kind regards
That's not an alias it's the main document url that is unique through all pages, so if you specify them for different cultures you get those extra numbers appended. If you need same path you need to specify it in Page alias (first property in that section) or define an alias for all culture versions in Page aliases section.
When you enable culture prefixes, it always adds them by default, so you can have domain.com/nl when you access both domain.com or domain.com/nl/home, but not the domain root.
If I understand correct, there is no way (for example through aliases), to get domain.com?
Yes, if you configure Kentico to allow urls without language prefixes (very next setting) you can setup a rewrite rule on your server to redirect to root of your domain when anyone requests /nl or /nl/home.
Thank you for the information
I'm creating my own aliases for the pages, but when I'm giving a / at Path or pattern, in my French culture it sets /1. Is there a way to have the same path for different cultures?
Path or pattern
French culture
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