Uploading files stick at 100%

Mark Elliott asked on April 5, 2016 23:13

We are having kind of an odd issue with a few of our users. When they upload a file attachment the progress gets to 100% and then just stops and they never see the file. My first thought was some type of permissions issue but when I check the server the files are sitting there so they are being uploaded its just the user can't see them. Has anyone else experienced this?

Recent Answers

David te Kloese answered on April 6, 2016 02:22 (last edited on April 6, 2016 12:00)


Do just a few of them have this issue? So you as global admin or other users can? Try using personalization feature to check if its their account/role/permission or if it might be something the user does (browser support, non supported file type, etc..).

If its an issue for everyone it might a disk writing permission issue.. Try these articles for more details:



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Mark Elliott answered on April 6, 2016 21:00

It's just for a few of the users (none of whom are global admins) I'm sure its not a disk permissions issue because the files are successfully uploaded to the CMSTemp\MultiFileUploader folder.

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David te Kloese answered on April 6, 2016 22:13


Can you reproduce the issue when you impersonate the user? If you can it's most likely an permission issue.


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