Upload SKU image via "ProductImageSelector" in custom control

Ali Heristchian asked on May 11, 2016 14:58


I want to use a custom control that create pages that are SKUs. Now I have problem with SKUImagePath and DocumentAttachment fields. I used "/CMSModules/Ecommerce/FormControls/SelectProductImage.ascx" to upload SKUImage. But the problem is that the form control's value is null.
Is it life cycle of the page or is there any special property to be set?
Is there any chance to implement this without using of MetaFileInfo() ?

Recent Answers

Joshua Adams answered on May 11, 2016 17:29

We may need some more info on this. Are you creating a webpart or form control? Is your control wrapped in an update panel or any part of your control?

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Ali Heristchian answered on May 11, 2016 18:15

Thank you Joshua,
I created a user control that inherits System.Web.UI.UserControl and <cms:ProductImage runat="server" ID="SKUImage" Enabled="true" /> isn't in any update panel.

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