Sync the JavaScript files to different environments.

Ethan Nguyen asked on March 10, 2021 08:45

Hi All, How to Sync the javascript files in different environments.(e.g. Staging -> Production) is there a way to do it? I can customize Content staging? Please advice! Thanks

Correct Answer

Dmitry Bastron answered on March 10, 2021 11:01

Hi Ethan,

If you are referring to Javascript files application in Kentico admin - Staging or Web Farms are not supported, please refer to the documentation (Limitations of the JavaScript files application).

I would consider migrating away from storing JS within CMS so that you can version control those and use frontend code editing tools to produce frontend code.

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Ethan Nguyen answered on March 11, 2021 03:55

Hi Dmitry Bastron, Thank you for your information. I have known Kentico admin not support. However, is there a way to customize if my client still wants to do it. Have you any ideas? Please advice Many Thanks

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Dmitry Bastron answered on March 11, 2021 10:59

Hi Ethan,

Unfortunately, nothing springs into my mind. You maybe can introduce a custom module class that will "represent" JS file and sync it instead, hook to synchronization event and actually create or update this JS file on the target server, but I don't think it will be very easy to implement.

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Ethan Nguyen answered on March 12, 2021 06:27

Hi Dmitry Bastron, Noted with thanks

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