Smart search implementation issue

Abid M. Rafiq asked on May 28, 2019 13:57

I am trying to implement the smart search using MVC site in kentico 12, i am not able to implement following the documentation URL

Following "Using locally stored search indexes", i can't find schedule for "Execute Azure search tasks" in CMS, is it by default available and i need to enable it or i need to create it and in MVC site index files isn't been created at path "\App_Data\CMSModules\SmartSearch\SampleIndex"

Recent Answers

David te Kloese answered on May 28, 2019 14:26

I think you're mixing up two things.. Local index using smart search uses Lucene and stores the index files locally!

Azure search is (obviously) using Azure and stores the index external. Can you confirm which one you are using?

Can you verify the search is actually working from the admin interface? In the Smart Search module open your custom search index and navigate to the Preview tab:

Image Text

When Using MVC also verify the Web Farm syncing is set up correctly. As the smart search index changes need to be pushed to the frontend MVC site!

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