show image in menu!

Reza sh asked on February 8, 2016 09:08

hi. I'm using a Repeater for menu and sub menu. how can i show the image in menu with teaser image? I mean the teaser image in every Form tab of Pages. I use the Html code for this but it shows in every submenu this is my Transformation for Menu:

<%# DataItemIndex ==0?"<ul  class='mega_dropdown' style=\"background: #fff url('/App_Themes/assets/img/boys.jpg')  left center no-repeat; min-height: 304px;\"> ":"" %>

  •                                                                                <a href="<%# GetDocumentUrl() %>" class="item_link">
                                                                                       <span class="link_content">
                                                                                           <span  class="link_text"><%# Eval("DocumentName")%> </span>
                                            <ul class="mega_dropdown">                                      
                              <cms:CMSRepeater ID="CMSDataListNested"  Path='<%# Eval("NodeAliasPath") + "/%" %>' runat="server" ClassNames="CMS.MenuItem" TransformationName="CMS.MenuItem.MegaMenuSub2" OrderBy="NodeLevel, NodeOrder, NodeName" MaxRelativeLevel="1" WhereCondition="DocumentMenuItemHideInNavigation='false'"  />
                              <%# Eval("MenuItemTeaserImage") %>
                   <%# DataItemIndex==DataRowView.DataView.Count-1?"</ul>":"" %>

    thanks guys.

  • Recent Answers

    Dawid Jachnik answered on February 8, 2016 10:21


    Did you read this article about best pracites in navigation?

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    Jan Hermann answered on February 8, 2016 10:22


    First of all, please consider building your menu using hierarchical transformations (it's way better :) ):

    The MenuItemTeaserImage is an attachment so you can call the GetAttachmentUrl or GetFileUrl methods to retrieve the url or GetImage to get the image directly:

    object attachmentGuidColumn (required)
    object (int) maxSideSize
    object (int) width
    object (int) height
    object alt

    Best regards,
    Jan Hermann

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    Reza sh answered on February 8, 2016 10:42

    Re Jan Hermann: yes sir, I used the hierarchical transformation. could you please give an example of those methods as you said?!

    should I use that like this?

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    Reza sh answered on February 8, 2016 10:44

    @david yes i road that and i made something like that :D , but it still work great, i just want to add images in every menu!


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    Dawid Jachnik answered on February 8, 2016 12:35 (last edited on February 8, 2016 12:38)


    You should use

    <img src="<%#GetFileUrl("MenuItemTeaserImage")%>" alt="" />


    <img src="<%# GetImage("MenuItemTeaserImage", 200, 200, 100, "image alternate text") %>" alt="" />
    2 votesVote for this answer Mark as a Correct answer

    Reza sh answered on February 8, 2016 13:30

    Re Dawid I called you David, sorry about that. so this is my problem: I used Both of Code but not to show Image. please see these screenshots: Image Text

    Image Text

    Image Text

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    Dawid Jachnik answered on February 8, 2016 15:36

    You want to put image here, yes ?

    <%# DataItemIndex ==0?"<ul  class='mega_dropdown' style=\"background: #fff url('/App_Themes/assets/img/boys.jpg')  left center no-repeat; min-height: 304px;\"> ":"" %>

    so try one again with functions from my previous posts:

    <%# DataItemIndex ==0?"<ul  class='mega_dropdown' style=\"background: #fff url('"+GetFileUrl("MenuItemTeaserImage")+"')  left center no-repeat; min-height: 304px;\"> ":"" %>

    Did you have column name MenuItemTeaserImage listed in columns of your repeater ?

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