Repeater best practice

Tom F asked on December 1, 2016 11:18

Hi I was just wondering if you have a datasource of some first level nodes and their children and you want to list the first level node heading then children blurbs etc would you usually use a cmsuniview and a bunch of different transformations or what would be a common way? I can imagine listing news articles etc would be done in a similar way..

Data structure:

Item 1 (as a heading): - child item 1 heading and blurb

Item 2 (as a heading): - child item 1 heading and blurb - child item 2 heading and blurb

Correct Answer

Adam Gitin answered on December 1, 2016 12:00

Hi Tom,

Would be best to use "hierarchical transformations" link text

Use a hierarchical viewer with it.

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Recent Answers

Tom F answered on December 1, 2016 12:23

Thanks Adam, Yep I went down that road I was just wondering if I could insert content before and after the repeater only if the repeater data source had items.. and even with a hierarchical transformation you don't really get that option unless you do a first and last at a given level.. or I was thinking of checking in the code behind..

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Adam Gitin answered on December 1, 2016 13:02

You can use the repeater properties HTML ENVELOPE: content before, content after

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