Redirect happening automatically

hari pulugurta asked on January 15, 2019 21:18

I have this layout for a test site

  • TestSite
    • KenticoWizard
      • Quote
      • Basic-Info

Ihe URL for Basic-Info is http://localhost:51872/KenticoWizard-universal-webpart/Basic-Info.aspx (got that info from General Tab).

If I type in http://localhost:51872/KenticoWizard/Quote.aspx the browser is for some reason automatically redirecting it to http://localhost:51872/KenticoWizard/Quote.aspx

When I look at Network tab from FireFox it has Status 302 for Basic-Info.aspx

Recent Answers

Zach Perry answered on January 16, 2019 06:36

What is your question? Are you asking how KenticoWizard-universal-webpart gets redirected to KenticoWizard?

If so, click on the page > Properties > URLS and look at any node aliases

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hari pulugurta answered on January 16, 2019 19:15

My question is:

If I type in http://localhost:51872/KenticoWizard/Basic-Info.aspx the browser for some reason is automatically redirecting the request to http://localhost:51872/KenticoWizard/Quote.aspx

I checked multiple browsers and I looked at the FireFox network tab when http://localhost:51872/KenticoWizard/Basic-Info.aspx is entered, the response back is 302 (which is code for URL redirection) and redirects to Quote.Aspx page.

Why is that happening and not sure what I am missing here

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Eric Dugre answered on January 16, 2019 20:08

Have you tried checking the aliases for /KenticoWizard/Quote as Zach suggested?

Also, what types of pages are these and what web parts do they contain? What steps were taken to create these pages? Knowing how you designed this section of the content tree could help us troubleshoot the issue.

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hari pulugurta answered on January 16, 2019 20:54

For Basic-Info.Aspx here is the info

  • Page alias:Basic-Info
  • Use custom URL path:Checked
  • Path type: Standard URL or wildcard

For Quote.Aspx here is the info

  • Page alias:Quote
  • Rest are same as Basic-Info.Aspx

Regarding how pages are created or set up: The pages are simple forms, have few input boxes and a Next button (the id's are different on these pages). The Next button on these pages do not do anything, I mean they are empty event handlers for now (no code added)

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