Hi Sandro,
In that case, you can use something like this, to update value on 'pre save' event for form:
<cms:BizForm runat="server" ID="BizForm" FormName="Contacts" EnableViewState="false" OnOnBeforeSave="BizForm_OnBeforeSave"/>
And in code behind to have something like this:
protected void BizForm_OnBeforeSave(object sender, EventArgs e)
var currentItem = ((CMS.OnlineForms.Web.UI.BizForm)sender).Data as NameOfYourBizFormItem;
if (currentItem != null)
currentItem.NameOfTheField = "dummy text change";
To have this class 'NameOfYourBizFormItem' available, you must generate code for your biz form, from Code tab.
Best regards,