I'am using kentico 7 and i need for SEO purpose how to set in setting to show page title in head tag like this: domain/news release/news/my first news/ and page title {%pagetitle_orelse_name%} - {%prefix%} to be
my first news - news - news release - MY WEB SITE and second I want default home page title to be without prefix to be different from the rest of the website.
Can you please clarify your example with some more appropriate example?
The entry in the Settings is more of a default entry and hence the default macro uses either the Page Title field or Document Name and then the Prefix.
To set things the way you appear to want to you should set the Page Title on the individual page (select the Page in the Pages app and goto Properties -> Metadata)
Ref: https://devnet.kentico.com/questions/how-can-i-display-different-page-title-formats-for-particular-documents-
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