Offices and google map

Artemy Sokolov asked on October 14, 2014 11:09


Got same unsolved problem

Not working even when i use it directly. <cms:GoogleMap runat="server" ID="GoogleMap" Scale="14" Width="298" Height="248" Longitude='59.374471' Latitude='28.175624'></cms:GoogleMap>

It shows right place only when i use integer

<cms:GoogleMap runat="server" ID="GoogleMap" Scale="14" Width="298" Height="248" Longitude='59' Latitude='28'></cms:GoogleMap>

Best regards

Recent Answers

Sandro Jankovic answered on November 21, 2014 17:30


Would it be possible to confirm your exact version and hotfix? We would like to test this on our end if possible. If you install the Corporate Site sample are you able to use those coordinates?

Please let me know if you have any additional questions or concerns.

Best Regards,


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