multilingual path in URL

kees de Hoop asked on July 1, 2020 15:45

Hi supporter,

We have a problem about the notation of the live url in the general tab of the page. We need 2 different URLs. One for Dutch and one for English. When we start with a Dutch content page en we switch to English we have different URLs on the general tab. That is correct. But in the English url after 'en' the Dutch text is shown . That is not what we want.

The situation now is: For Dutch Live URL: https://domainname/Trainingen/Inkoop-voor-niet-inkopers-Publiek For English Live URL: https://domainname/en/Trainingen/Inkoop-voor-niet-inkopers-Publiek

We want: For Dutch Live URL: https://domainname/Trainingen/Inkoop-voor-niet-inkopers-Publiek For English Live URL: https://domainname/en/Training/Purchasing-for-non-buyers-Public

When we changes the page alias of the English page from Dutch to English the Dutch url changes also to English.

The question is: How can we fix this issue?

I hope Kentico kan help me to fix this issue so We can further to translate pages.


Kees de Hoop

Recent Answers

David te Kloese answered on July 1, 2020 17:54


I suggest you contact your implementation Partner Aviva. As they would know how exactly the URL config is implemented.

In general you can create urls specific for a page so also for different language versions.

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kees de Hoop answered on July 1, 2020 18:16 (last edited on July 2, 2020 11:16)

Hi David,

We asked the Kentico partner to help us to solve this situation and she know that we contact Kentico. With the Alternative URLs function we can't solve it.

We need not a general solution but a solution for this problem. I hope so that Kentico, give Nevi some suggestions to solve this problem.

Regards Kees de Hoop

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David te Kloese answered on July 1, 2020 22:01

Hi Kees,

FYI this is the public Q&A forum of Kentico where mainly the community helps out, so I'm not working at Kentico!

If you want to contact Kentico directly I suggest reaching out by mail to

That being said without knowledge on the technical setup it's hard to give you a proper answer. Especially since the MVC site needs to work with it.. So again I recommend to contact and challenge Aviva again as there are possibilities to support the scenario.

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kees de Hoop answered on July 2, 2020 06:37

Hi David,

Sorry for my reaction.I don't realise me that this forum is a public forum. My reaction was to quick. Thanks for your quick reaction :-)

I mail this question to Kentico and appreciate your answer.

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kees de Hoop answered on July 2, 2020 11:22

The Kentico support reaction is positive. In the next version (Kentico 13) we can set the page url to different culture version.

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