Thank you Dmitry for your links, it was very helpful.
I was able to follow the examples and created my first form component.
In my case, I need a dropdown list whcih is based a value provided by the editor.
However, I have a special case:
I have a registration form per event.
Each event contains several meetings and each attendee can attend one or several meetings during the event.
I need to have a multi select checkbox list or a multi select dropdown list where all the meetings within this event will be listed and the attendee will be able to select the ones he has interest to.
The code for the event is contained in the form title and I have already all the code to extract all the meetings within an event.
Is there a way to either provide a value to the form component to generate that list or a way in the form component to pick up the name of the form?
I looked at the example in the API with BizFormInfo but the name is coded in hard and not extracted from the form where the form component is included into:
BizFormInfo formObject = BizFormInfoProvider.GetBizFormInfo("ContactUs", SiteContext.CurrentSiteID);