multi factor event is not firing thorugh whenever passcode window popup

harshal bundelkhandi asked on April 29, 2020 15:02

Hi Support, In my project there is requirement to use email based multifactor authentication whenever users is login.

as per the multifactor documentation i have created one class in the app_code folder.on my local system it is working fine.but on staging not working & also not able to trace the event for the email sending.

below code is not executing

public override void Init() { // Assigns a handler to the SecurityEvents.MultiFactorAuthenticate.Execute event // This event occurs when users try to sign in to Kentico with multi-factor authentication enabled SecurityEvents.MultiFactorAuthenticate.Execute += MFAuthentication_Execute;


Recent Answers

Peter Mogilnitski answered on April 29, 2020 17:41

Do you have any other global events that are working on staging? Are you using web application set up by any chance (i.e. do you have Old_App_Code) on your staging? It looks like the system just doesn't see(execute) your code. Write to event log in your Init() on staging module.

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