Situation is very strange. When I create custom resource strings for other language in Localization app this is works. When I create localization strings for another web-parts - this is works. Bur when I try to create localization for Customer detail", "Customer address - billing adderss" and "Customer address - shipping address" web parts - this is doesn't work. Kentico doesn't translate it to another language.
For example, "Customer detail" web-part contains "Phone number:" field. I translated ALL keys from CMS res file that have "Phone number:" record, but label for this field still to present in English.
I see, that "Customer Detail" uses "Customer form" as "ecommerce.customer.CheckoutCustomerDetailEcommerceSite". I guess, that problem can hides here, in form. But I can't found this form in Kentico and can't check it.