Localization web-parts

Martin Shin asked on January 15, 2015 06:48

Hi! I tried to translate "Customer detail", "Customer address - billing adderss" and "Customer address - shipping address" web parts to another language. I use CMS localization file and adopt it to another culture with new culture extension.

But translation doesn't work. Web parts still to have English captions. Why? Where translation keys placed for current web-parts?

Recent Answers

Petar Kozjak answered on January 15, 2015 14:19


did you try to restart application to pick up new settings? Configuration > System > General > Restart application

Also check what is default language that your site loads.

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Martin Shin answered on January 15, 2015 14:32

Hi Petar. yes I did restart application. Default language is English.

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Petar Kozjak answered on January 15, 2015 16:09

Hi, what version are you using? Check in version 8 Localization > Resource strings and on right check what is happening when you change culture. Does it register your culture.

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Martin Shin answered on January 15, 2015 16:31

Hi! Kentico 8.1.17 I tried do it via resource strings also. But this is doesn't work also.

When you say about culture registering, what do you mean?

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Petar Kozjak answered on January 16, 2015 10:28

Try this to check that this Is UI Culture, then change your user UI culture to this and check do you see any changes.

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Martin Shin answered on January 16, 2015 11:28

Situation is very strange. When I create custom resource strings for other language in Localization app this is works. When I create localization strings for another web-parts - this is works. Bur when I try to create localization for Customer detail", "Customer address - billing adderss" and "Customer address - shipping address" web parts - this is doesn't work. Kentico doesn't translate it to another language.

For example, "Customer detail" web-part contains "Phone number:" field. I translated ALL keys from CMS res file that have "Phone number:" record, but label for this field still to present in English.

I see, that "Customer Detail" uses "Customer form" as "ecommerce.customer.CheckoutCustomerDetailEcommerceSite". I guess, that problem can hides here, in form. But I can't found this form in Kentico and can't check it.

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