Kentico 9 Shopping cart tax incorrect

Scott Lightening asked on April 17, 2019 16:13


I have a Kentico 9 site that I recently updated to the latest hot fix 9.51

However on the shopping cart the total/tax is not working with discounts.

For example:

I have two items that apply a discount of 10% but it appears to apply the discount after tax which is incorrect.

So correct result should be:

£91 x 2 = £182.00

Less 5% multi buy discount (£9.10) = £172.90

plus 20% VAT = £207.48

But it's now doing this:

£91 x 2 = £182

Plus 20% = £218.40

Less 5% multibuy discount (£9.10) = £209.30

Is there a bug in the cart for this version of kentico? It;s using all the default cart webparts


Recent Answers

David te Kloese answered on April 18, 2019 11:04


not sure if it's a British (since you use pounds?) thing, but I'm used to having discounts to be calculated over the total price including tax.

Version 9 is quite old and not officially supported anymore, did the issue appear after the hotfix? What hot fix version did you came from?

I see a discount fix in 9.0.23 on "E-commerce - Performance issue in Buy X Get Y discounts".

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