Kentico 9 BizForm Required Field Asterisk

Sara Pertz asked on August 25, 2016 21:20

In creating an online form through BizForm, I select a form to be required but the * (asterisk) doesn't automatically get applied to the form label on the front-facing web form.

Did that functionality go away with the latest release or is there a setting to enable this somewhere?

I'm using v9.0.1.


Correct Answer

Jan Hermann answered on August 25, 2016 22:12

Yes, you can turn this on by editing the \CMSWebParts\BizForms\bizform.ascx.cs file and adding following line to SetupControl() method:

viewBiz.MarkRequiredFields = true;

Or you can extend the web part by extra checkbox field that would set this to each form separately.

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Recent Answers

Laura Frese answered on August 26, 2016 17:46 (last edited on August 26, 2016 17:46)

You can also add an asterisk to the form label

<span>*</span>First Name

when you create the field , then make it red with css

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Sara Pertz answered on August 30, 2016 18:31

Thanks Jan, worked perfectly.

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