Job Postings not showing up

MyPoint CreditUnion asked on October 22, 2014 18:34

I have created a few job postings however the result of the repeater web part is always "There are currently no careers." I copied everything over from the Corporate example site. Even with every option and field exactly the same as the example I still get "There are currently no careers."

The jobs themselves are published, any ideas on why they are not showing up?

Recent Answers

Yehuda Lando answered on October 22, 2014 19:21

Is the path right?

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Virgil Carroll answered on October 22, 2014 20:48

When you say you copied over everything, what does that mean? Did you associate the page type to the new site? Did you make sure you can access all the transformation, layouts and webparts from the corporate site?

Did you change the name of the page type? If so, did you update the different elements that access it?

Where it could be the path to the page types, it could be also many other things that are set in the various webparts and page type components that may need to be checked as well.

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MyPoint CreditUnion answered on October 22, 2014 21:24

I am building my site on top of the Corporate site. So in other words all of the transformations and page types are exactly the same.

I have the filter and repeater pointing to the right things (as far as I can tell). All of the fields that I changed I made sure to include in the web part, but even if I bring everything back to "stock" it does not work.

Depending on what settings I choose either nothing at all shows, or simply ""There are currently no careers."

The truly odd thing is that if I view the source I can actually see the "a href" that is pointing to the actual job posting, but nothing else is there (nothing from my other fields).

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Bill Tran answered on October 31, 2014 21:06

If you are using shortcuts such as "./%" try using full path such as "/JobPosting/%"

There could be a bug with shortcuts in Paths that I've noticed but hard to replicate because it happens randomly and I haven't detected a pattern as to why it happens yet.

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MyPoint CreditUnion answered on October 31, 2014 21:40

Great idea Bill. I think I just left what was on the example "/" I think.

I will play with that URL and report back if it works.

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MyPoint CreditUnion answered on November 4, 2014 20:22

None of these ideas are working.

The frustrating thing is that I can see some links to the jobs in the DOM, but nothing displays. Also, I only see the link, not the job title or description. Here is what the DOM looks like, you can see the 3 example careers I have posted:

Image Text

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Sandro Jankovic answered on December 8, 2014 10:39

Hi Ryan,

In the original post you mentioned that you are receiving the "There are currently no careers text" - did you get past that but now you are just getting the links instead of the text as well?

Could you also confirm the version/hotfix that you are currently using?

Would it be possible to show us a few screenshots of the Job document type values on the form tab as well as the repeater configuration?

Please let me know if you have additional questions or concerns.

Best Regards,


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