JavaScript Error when adding a blog in Kentico 8

David Bova asked on February 8, 2016 08:55

Hi there,

I'm trying to implement a blog on a Kentico 8 install for the first time.

Unfortunately whenever I try to add this via My Blogs and clicking the + sign beside the Blog name, I get a JS error:

Error: Script error for: CMS.Blogs/BlogsGrid

Has anyone come up against this and could you advise of a fix?

Best David

Recent Answers

Joshua Adams answered on February 8, 2016 15:37

Do you have an custom javascript or 3rd party libraries in that page or template? Or maybe even on the master page that you are using. Could be a a javascript conflict with an outside library.

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David Bova answered on February 8, 2016 15:50

Hi Joshua,

Thanks for the speedy reply.

Not that I know of - to be clear, this is the admin page that I'm on. Should custom templates be in play here? (within the My Blogs app)

Best David

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Joshua Adams answered on February 8, 2016 16:10

Ahh, sorry, I was assuming that you were on the front end. Is this a default install of Kentico? Any customizations?

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David Bova answered on February 8, 2016 16:13

Not that I know of - I only have access at present to Portal Engine.

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Joshua Adams answered on February 8, 2016 17:49

Do you get the error message on multiple browsers or just one in particular? Was the connection string recently changed or was the site moved from one location to another?

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David Bova answered on February 8, 2016 17:52

Hey - on the same domain for a year now with no change as far as I know to the connection string, getting the error in all browsers. All other apps appear to work fine.

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Joshua Adams answered on February 8, 2016 18:00

May want to look at Kentico hotfixes and see if one of them resolved that issue. What hotfix of Kentico 8 are you using?

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