Hi there,
I'm trying to implement a blog on a Kentico 8 install for the first time.
Unfortunately whenever I try to add this via My Blogs and clicking the + sign beside the Blog name, I get a JS error:
Error: Script error for: CMS.Blogs/BlogsGrid http://requirejs.org/docs/errors.html#scripterror
Has anyone come up against this and could you advise of a fix?
Best David
Do you have an custom javascript or 3rd party libraries in that page or template? Or maybe even on the master page that you are using. Could be a a javascript conflict with an outside library.
Hi Joshua,
Thanks for the speedy reply.
Not that I know of - to be clear, this is the admin page that I'm on. Should custom templates be in play here? (within the My Blogs app)
Ahh, sorry, I was assuming that you were on the front end. Is this a default install of Kentico? Any customizations?
Not that I know of - I only have access at present to Portal Engine.
Do you get the error message on multiple browsers or just one in particular? Was the connection string recently changed or was the site moved from one location to another?
Hey - on the same domain for a year now with no change as far as I know to the connection string, getting the error in all browsers. All other apps appear to work fine.
May want to look at Kentico hotfixes and see if one of them resolved that issue. What hotfix of Kentico 8 are you using?
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