Hi kentico guy,
Yes, A/B testing module is only for actually visited page. So for your case you need to create A/B test for Homepage, then for Varian A of your Homepage you would need to configure your carousel component to display slides slide_1, slide_2 and slide_3_a; and for Variant B - slide_1, slide_2 and slide_3_b.
In this case when visitor opens Homepage, Kentico will automatically select variant A or B of Homepage and display slide_3_a or slide_3_b depending on it.
Now, if for carousel you are using Repeater with Transformation and you have some structure like this:
- Homepage
- Carousel Slides
- Slide 1
- Slide 2
- Slide 3
And your repeater is configured to display all slides under /Homepage/Carousel Slides/%, for A/B testing scenario you can do the following:
- Homepage
- Carousel Slides A
- Slide 1
- Slide 2
- Slide 3A
- Carousel Slides B
- link to Slide 1
- link to Slide 2
- Slide 3B
And then configure Homepage A repeater to use /Homepage/Carousel Slides A/%; Homepage B repeater - /Homepage/Carousel Slides B/%. To avoid the content duplication of Slide 1 and 2 you can link them instead.