dear timothy.
i founded the api used in kentico 7 for import product with variant and option.
i want use this in kentico 8.2 but it seems the 8.2 classes has changed.
would you help me to change the classes for use in kentico 8.2?
using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Collections;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.Security;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.HtmlControls;
using System.IO;
using CMS.Ecommerce;
using CMS.DocumentEngine;
using CMS.CMSHelper;
using CMS.FormEngine;
using CMS.IDataConnectionLibrary;
using CMS.SettingsProvider;
using CMS.GlobalHelper;
using CMS.DataEngine;
using CMS.SiteProvider;
using CMS.PortalEngine;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data.OleDb;
using System.Linq;
using CMS.PortalControls;
public partial class CMSWebParts_JeansWest_ImportProductsData : System.Web.UI.UserControl
#region "Private variables"
// Document owner
private string userName = "Administrator";
private CMS.DocumentEngine.TreeProvider tree = null;
private string siteName = "";
private string cultureCode = "fa-IR";
private int siteId = 0;
#region "Methods"
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
btnUpload.OnClientClick = "this.disabled = true; " + Page.ClientScript.GetPostBackEventReference(btnUpload, null) + ";";
private void DeleteOptions(int skuId)
string wheresoci = "SKUID = " + skuId;
InfoDataSet<SKUOptionCategoryInfo> optionCategoryInfos =
SKUOptionCategoryInfoProvider.GetSKUOptionCategories(wheresoci, "");
if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(optionCategoryInfos))
foreach (DataRow rowsoci in optionCategoryInfos.Tables[0].Rows)
//string wheresi = "SKUOptionCategoryID = " + rowsoci["CategoryID"];
//InfoDataSet<SKUInfo> skuInfos = SKUInfoProvider.GetSKUs(wheresi, "");
//if (!DataHelper.DataSourceIsEmpty(skuInfos))
// foreach (DataRow rowsi in skuInfos.Tables[0].Rows)
// {
// SKUInfoProvider.DeleteSKUInfo(int.Parse(rowsi["SKUID"].ToString()));
// }
SKUOptionCategoryInfo sociItem =
/// <summary>
/// Imports products from the specified file in *.csv format
/// </summary>
/// <param name="filePath"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private string Import(List<ProductStruct> lstProducts, string parentDoc, string doc)
string ptiWhere = "PageTemplateCodeName = N'JeansWestProductDetail'";
DataSet temps = PageTemplateInfoProvider.GetTemplates(ptiWhere, null);
PageTemplateInfo pti = new PageTemplateInfo(temps.Tables[0].Rows[0]);
string error = "";
if (error == "")
// Get product default department
//DepartmentInfo defaultDepartment = GetDefaultDepartment();
// Get product parent document
TreeNode parentDocument = GetProductParentDocument(parentDoc, doc);
// Get default product document type
DataClassInfo productDocumentType = GetProductDocumentType();
if ((parentDocument == null) || (productDocumentType == null))
error = "Unable to create products, information missing: default department or parent document or document type";
#region AddProduct
var CodeGroupBy = from p in lstProducts
group p by p.JWCodeTemp into g
select g;
foreach (var cdeItemList in CodeGroupBy)
List<ProductStruct> TempCodeGroupedBy = new List<ProductStruct>();
foreach (var codeItem in cdeItemList)
ProductStruct ps = new ProductStruct();
ps.Category = codeItem.Category;
ps.Color = codeItem.Color;
ps.Desc = codeItem.Desc;
ps.JWCodeTemp = codeItem.JWCodeTemp;
ps.MainCode = codeItem.MainCode;
ps.Size = codeItem.Size;
ps.Type = codeItem.Type;
ps.Title = codeItem.Title;
ps.ENColor = codeItem.ENColor;
ps.FAColor = codeItem.FAColor;
#region CreateMainSKU
SKUInfo sku = new SKUInfo();
int idx = TempCodeGroupedBy[0].MainCode.ToString().IndexOf('-');
string where = "";
if (idx == -1)
where = "SKUNumber = N'" + TempCodeGroupedBy[0].MainCode.Substring(0, 8) + "'";
where = "SKUNumber = N'" + TempCodeGroupedBy[0].MainCode.Substring(0, idx) + "'";
DataSet existSku = SKUInfoProvider.GetSKUs(where, null);
if (existSku.Tables[0].Rows.Count < 1)
// Creat product (SKU)
if (idx == -1)
sku.SKUName = TempCodeGroupedBy[0].Title + " " +
TempCodeGroupedBy[0].MainCode.Substring(0, 8);
sku.SKUNumber = TempCodeGroupedBy[0].MainCode.Substring(0, 8);
sku.SKUName = TempCodeGroupedBy[0].Title + " " +
TempCodeGroupedBy[0].MainCode.Substring(0, idx);
sku.SKUNumber = TempCodeGroupedBy[0].MainCode.Substring(0, idx);
sku.SKUDescription = TempCodeGroupedBy[0].Desc;
//sku.SetValue("SKUProductCode", TempCodeGroupedBy[0].JWCodeTemp);
sku.SKUPrice = 0;
sku.SKUEnabled = true;
sku.SKUNeedsShipping = true;
sku.SKUSiteID = siteId;
sku.SKUProductType = SKUProductTypeEnum.Product;
DepartmentInfo department = null;
if (department != null)
// Assign product to its department
sku.SKUDepartmentID = department.DepartmentID;
// Assign product to the default department
sku.SKUDepartmentID = 0;
error += "Unable to create product '" + sku.SKUName + "'. <br />";
sku = new SKUInfo(existSku.Tables[0].Rows[0]);
var ColorGroupBy = from p in TempCodeGroupedBy
group p by new { p.Color, p.ENColor, p.FAColor } into g
select g;
List<OptionCategoryInfo> lstOCColor = new List<OptionCategoryInfo>();
foreach (var colorItemList in ColorGroupBy)
bool IsExist;
OptionCategoryInfo OCColor = CreateOptionCategory("{$=" + colorItemList.Key.ENColor.ToString() + "|fa-IR=" + colorItemList.Key.FAColor + "$}", TempCodeGroupedBy[0].JWCodeTemp + colorItemList.Key.Color.Replace(" ", "").Replace("/", "").Replace(".", ""), out IsExist);
//if (!IsExist)
List<ProductStruct> TempColorGroupedBy = new List<ProductStruct>();
foreach (var colorItem in colorItemList)
ProductStruct ps = new ProductStruct();
ps.Category = colorItem.Category;
ps.Color = colorItem.Color;
ps.Desc = colorItem.Desc;
ps.JWCodeTemp = colorItem.JWCodeTemp;
ps.MainCode = colorItem.MainCode;
ps.Size = colorItem.Size;
ps.Type = colorItem.Type;
ps.Title = colorItem.Title;
var SizeGroupBy = from p in TempColorGroupedBy
group p by p.Size into g
select g;
bool IsFirst = true;
foreach (var sizeItemList in SizeGroupBy)
foreach (var item in sizeItemList)
CreateOption(item.Size, item.MainCode, OCColor.CategoryName, OCColor.CategoryID, IsFirst);
IsFirst = false;
foreach (var item in lstOCColor)
AddCategoryToProduct(sku.SKUID, item.CategoryID);
// If product was create succesfully
if (existSku.Tables[0].Rows.Count < 1)
if (sku.SKUID > 0)
// Create product document type and assign SKU to it
TreeNode productDoc = TreeNode.New("Document.JeansWestProduct", tree);
productDoc.SetValue("ProductName", sku.SKUName);
productDoc.SetValue("ProductPrice", sku.SKUPrice);
productDoc.SetValue("ProductCategory", 0);
productDoc.SetValue("ProductType", 0);
productDoc.SetValue("NodeTemplateID", pti.PageTemplateId);
productDoc.SetValue("DocumentPageTemplateID", pti.PageTemplateId);
productDoc.SetValue("DocumentMenuItemHideInNavigation", 1);
productDoc.DocumentName = sku.SKUName;
productDoc.NodeSKUID = sku.SKUID;
productDoc.DocumentCulture = cultureCode;
productDoc.Insert(parentDocument, true);
error += "Unable to create document '" + sku.SKUName + "'. <br />";
// Close file
// Display number of created products
//lblInfo.Text = "Number of created products: " + count;
return error;
/// <summary>
/// Ensures default department exists.
/// </summary>
private DepartmentInfo GetDefaultDepartment()
// Try to get default department
DepartmentInfo defaultDepartment = DepartmentInfoProvider.GetDepartmentInfo("DefaultDepartment", siteName);
// If default department doesnt exist, create new one
if (defaultDepartment == null)
defaultDepartment = new DepartmentInfo();
defaultDepartment.DepartmentDisplayName = "Default department";
defaultDepartment.DepartmentName = "DefaultDepartment";
defaultDepartment.DepartmentDefaultTaxClassID = 0;
defaultDepartment.DepartmentSiteID = siteId;
return defaultDepartment;
/// <summary>
/// Ensures parent document for product documents exists.
/// </summary>
private TreeNode GetProductParentDocument(string parentDoc, string doc)
TreeNode parent = null;
// Try to get products' parent document
if (parentDoc.Contains("Accessories"))
if (parentDoc.Length > 12)
parent = tree.SelectSingleNode(siteName, "/Products/Accessories/" + parentDoc.Substring(12) + "/" + doc, cultureCode, false, "Document.JeansWestProductCategory");
parent = tree.SelectSingleNode(siteName, "/Products/Accessories/Other/" + doc, cultureCode, false, "Document.JeansWestProductCategory");
parent = tree.SelectSingleNode(siteName, "/Products/" + parentDoc + "/" + doc, cultureCode, false, "Document.JeansWestProductCategory");
// Parent not found
if (parent == null)
// Get products parent
TreeNode productparent = null;
if (parentDoc.Contains("Accessories"))
if (parentDoc.Length > 12)
productparent = tree.SelectSingleNode(siteName, "/Products/Accessories/" + parentDoc.Substring(12), cultureCode, false, "Document.JeansWestProductCategory");
productparent = tree.SelectSingleNode(siteName, "/Products/Accessories/Other", cultureCode, false, "Document.JeansWestProductCategory");
productparent = tree.SelectSingleNode(siteName, "/Products/" + parentDoc, cultureCode, false, "Document.JeansWestProductCategory");
if (productparent != null)
// Create new parent document
parent = TreeNode.New("Document.JeansWestProductCategory", tree);
parent.SetValue("MenuItemName", doc);
parent.DocumentName = doc;
parent.DocumentCulture = cultureCode;
parent.Insert(productparent, true);
return parent;
/// <summary>
/// Ensures default product document type exists.
/// </summary>
private DataClassInfo GetProductDocumentType()
// Try to get default product document type
string className = "Document.JeansWestProduct";
DataClassInfo defaultProductType = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClass(className);
// Default product document type not found -> create new one
if (defaultProductType == null)
string tableName = "Document.JeansWestProduct";
string primaryKey = "DefaultProductID";
// Initialize new product type
defaultProductType = new DataClassInfo();
defaultProductType.ClassDisplayName = "Default product";
defaultProductType.ClassName = "custom.defaultproduct";
defaultProductType.ClassIsDocumentType = true;
defaultProductType.ClassUsePublishFromTo = true;
defaultProductType.ClassTableName = tableName;
defaultProductType.ClassIsProduct = true;
// Save document type
TableManager tm = new TableManager(defaultProductType.ClassConnectionString);
// Create document type table
tm.CreateTable(tableName, primaryKey);
// Add table columns
tm.AddTableColumn(tableName, "ProductName", "nvarchar(200)", false, null);
// Create document type form definition
FormInfo form = new FormInfo("<form></form>");
FormFieldInfo field = new FormFieldInfo();
// Create primary key field
field.Name = primaryKey;
field.Caption = primaryKey;
field.DataType = FormFieldDataTypeEnum.Integer;
field.DefaultValue = "";
field.Description = "";
field.FieldType = FormFieldControlTypeEnum.LabelControl;
field.PrimaryKey = true;
field.System = false;
field.Visible = true;
field.Size = 0;
field.AllowEmpty = false;
// Add primary key field
// Update document type
defaultProductType.ClassXmlSchema = tm.GetXmlSchema(tableName);
defaultProductType.ClassFormDefinition = form.GetXmlDefinition();
defaultProductType.ClassNodeNameSource = "ProductName";
defaultProductType.ClassIsCoupledClass = true;
// Ensure default permissions
// Genereate default view for document type
SqlGenerator.GenerateDefaultView(defaultProductType, siteName); // Since version 3.1a
// Allow product type to be inserted as a child of the menu item type
DataClassInfo parentClass = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClass("cms.menuitem");
if (parentClass != null)
AllowedChildClassInfoProvider.AddAllowedChildClass(parentClass.ClassID, defaultProductType.ClassID);
// Add product type to site
ClassSiteInfoProvider.AddClassToSite(defaultProductType.ClassID, siteId);
// Create product default transformation
TransformationInfo ti = new TransformationInfo();
ti.TransformationName = ResHelper.GetString("TransformationName.Default");
ti.TransformationFullName = className + "." + ti.TransformationName;
ti.TransformationCode = TransformationInfoProvider.GenerateTransformationCode(defaultProductType.ClassFormDefinition, TransformationTypeEnum.Ascx, className);
ti.TransformationType = TransformationTypeEnum.Ascx;
ti.TransformationClassID = defaultProductType.ClassID;
// Document type icon
// Get default icon path
string sourceFile = "~/App_Themes/Images/DocumentTypeIcons/default.png";
// Get document type icon path
string destFile = "~/App_Themes/Images/DocumentTypeIcons/" + className.Replace(".", "_") + ".png";
// Create new document type icon via copying default icon
File.Copy(Server.MapPath(sourceFile), Server.MapPath(destFile), false);
catch (Exception e)
lblError.Text = e.Message;
// Error while creating default product document type
catch (Exception e)
// Remove all product type data
lblError.Text = e.Message;
return null;
return defaultProductType;
protected void btnUpload_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (flupld.HasFile)
//Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "label", "<script>document.getElementById('lblInfo').innerHTML = 'your tip has been submitted!';</script>");
List<ProductStruct> lstProducts = new List<ProductStruct>();
siteName = CMSContext.CurrentSiteName;
siteId = CMSContext.CurrentSiteID;
// Get user info
UserInfo ui = UserInfoProvider.GetUserInfo(userName);
if (ui != null)
tree = new TreeProvider(ui);
tree = new TreeProvider();
// Import products
string fn = System.IO.Path.GetFileName(flupld.PostedFile.FileName);
string SaveLocation = Server.MapPath("") + "\\" + fn;
#region ReadFile
//Coneection String by default empty
string ConStr = "";
//Extantion of the file upload control saving into ext because
//there are two types of extation .xls and .xlsx of Excel
string ext = Path.GetExtension(flupld.FileName).ToLower();
//getting the path of the file
string path = Server.MapPath("~/CMSSiteUtils/Import/" + flupld.FileName);
//saving the file inside the MyFolder of the server
//checking that extantion is .xls or .xlsx
if (ext.Trim() == ".xls")
//connection string for that file which extantion is .xls
ConStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" + path + ";Extended Properties=\"Excel 8.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=2\"";
else if (ext.Trim() == ".xlsx")
//connection string for that file which extantion is .xlsx
ConStr = "Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source=" + path + ";Extended Properties=\"Excel 12.0;HDR=Yes;IMEX=2\"";
OleDbConnection conn = new OleDbConnection(ConStr);
//making query
DataTable dtSchema = conn.GetOleDbSchemaTable(OleDbSchemaGuid.Tables, new object[] { null, null, null, "TABLE" });
string Sheet1 = dtSchema.Rows[0].Field<string>("TABLE_NAME");
// Create OleDbCommand object and select data from worksheet Sheet1
string query = "SELECT * FROM [" + Sheet1 + "]";
//Providing connection
//checking that connection state is closed or not if closed the
//open the connection
if (conn.State == ConnectionState.Closed)
//create command object
OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(query, conn);
// create a data adapter and get the data into dataadapter
OleDbDataAdapter da = new OleDbDataAdapter(cmd);
DataSet ds = new DataSet();
//fill the Excel data to data set
// Specify file with product data
foreach (DataRow row in ds.Tables[0].Rows)
if (row.ItemArray.Length > 6 && row.ItemArray[1].ToString() != "" && row.ItemArray[0].ToString() != "كد كالا")
ProductStruct ps = new ProductStruct();
if (row.ItemArray[0].ToString().Contains('-'))
int idx = row.ItemArray[0].ToString().IndexOf('-');
ps.JWCodeTemp = row.ItemArray[0].ToString().Substring(0, idx);
ps.MainCode = row.ItemArray[0].ToString();
ps.JWCodeTemp = row.ItemArray[0].ToString().Substring(0, 8);
ps.MainCode = row.ItemArray[0].ToString();
ps.Category = row.ItemArray[6].ToString();
ps.Color = row.ItemArray[7].ToString().Replace(" ", "");
ps.Type = GetTypeByName(row.ItemArray[9].ToString());
ps.Size = row.ItemArray[8].ToString();
ps.Desc = row.ItemArray[3].ToString();
ps.Title = row.ItemArray[1].ToString();
ps.ENColor = row.ItemArray[13].ToString();
ps.FAColor = row.ItemArray[14].ToString();
catch (Exception ex)
lblError.Text = "Error adding file '" + SaveLocation + "': " + ex.Message;
var CodeGroupBy = from p in lstProducts
group p by p.JWCodeTemp into g
select g;
foreach (var cdeItemList in CodeGroupBy)
List<ProductStruct> TempCodeGroupedBy = new List<ProductStruct>();
foreach (var codeItem in cdeItemList)
ProductStruct ps = new ProductStruct();
ps.Category = codeItem.Category;
ps.Color = codeItem.Color;
ps.Desc = codeItem.Desc;
ps.JWCodeTemp = codeItem.JWCodeTemp;
ps.MainCode = codeItem.MainCode;
ps.Size = codeItem.Size;
ps.Type = codeItem.Type;
ps.Title = codeItem.Title;
ps.ENColor = codeItem.ENColor;
ps.FAColor = codeItem.FAColor;
#region CreateMainSKU
SKUInfo sku = new SKUInfo();
int idx = TempCodeGroupedBy[0].MainCode.ToString().IndexOf('-');
string where = "";
if (idx == -1)
where = "SKUNumber = N'" + TempCodeGroupedBy[0].MainCode.Substring(0, 8) + "'";
where = "SKUNumber = N'" + TempCodeGroupedBy[0].MainCode.Substring(0, idx) + "'";
DataSet existSku = SKUInfoProvider.GetSKUs(where, null);
if (existSku.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0)
sku = new SKUInfo(existSku.Tables[0].Rows[0]);
var tmp = from p in lstProducts
group p by new { p.Category, p.Type } into g
select g;
foreach (var lstItem in tmp)
List<ProductStruct> lstTempPS = new List<ProductStruct>();
foreach (var item in lstItem)
ProductStruct ps = new ProductStruct();
ps.Category = item.Category;
ps.Color = item.Color;
ps.Desc = item.Desc;
ps.JWCodeTemp = item.JWCodeTemp;
ps.MainCode = item.MainCode;
ps.Size = item.Size;
ps.Type = item.Type;
ps.Title = item.Title;
ps.ENColor = item.ENColor;
ps.FAColor = item.FAColor;
lblError.Text = Import(lstTempPS, lstItem.Key.Type, lstItem.Key.Category);
lblSuccess.Visible = true;
public class ProductStruct
public string JWCodeTemp { get; set; }
public string MainCode { get; set; }
public string Category { get; set; }
public string Color { get; set; }
public string Type { get; set; }
public string Size { get; set; }
public string Desc { get; set; }
public string Title { get; set; }
public string ENColor { get; set; }
public string FAColor { get; set; }
public enum ProductCategoryEnum
Jacket = 1,
Tshirts = 2,
Shirt = 3,
Pants = 4,
Tee = 5,
Socks = 6,
Bag = 7,
Underwear = 8,
Shoes = 9,
Sweater = 10,
Blouse = 11,
Unknown = 12
//public static ProductCategoryEnum GetCategoryByName(string categoryName)
// switch (categoryName)
// {
// case "Jacket":
// return ProductCategoryEnum.Jacket;
// case "Tshirts":
// return ProductCategoryEnum.Tshirts;
// case "Shirt":
// return ProductCategoryEnum.Shirt;
// case "Pants":
// return ProductCategoryEnum.Pants;
// case "Tee":
// return ProductCategoryEnum.Tee;
// case "Socks":
// return ProductCategoryEnum.Socks;
// case "Bag":
// return ProductCategoryEnum.Bag;
// case "Underwear":
// return ProductCategoryEnum.Underwear;
// case "Shoes":
// return ProductCategoryEnum.Shoes;
// case "Sweater":
// return ProductCategoryEnum.Sweater;
// case "Blouse":
// return ProductCategoryEnum.Blouse;
// default:
// return ProductCategoryEnum.Unknown;
// }
public static string GetTypeByName(string type)
switch (type)
case "M":
return "Men";
case "W":
return "Women";
case "ACC":
return "Accessories";
case "ACC-M":
return "Accessories-Men";
case "ACC-W":
return "Accessories-Women";
return type;
private OptionCategoryInfo CreateOptionCategory(string category, string categoryNumber, out bool isExist)
string where = "CategoryName = N'" + categoryNumber.Replace("+", "-") + "'";
DataSet OptionCategories = OptionCategoryInfoProvider.GetOptionCategories(where, null);
if (OptionCategories.Tables[0].Rows.Count < 1)
// Create new option category object
OptionCategoryInfo newCategory = new OptionCategoryInfo();
// Set the properties
newCategory.CategoryDisplayName = category;
newCategory.CategoryName = categoryNumber.Replace("+", "-");
newCategory.CategorySelectionType = OptionCategorySelectionTypeEnum.RadioButtonsHorizontal;
newCategory.CategoryEnabled = true;
newCategory.CategoryDefaultRecord = "";
newCategory.CategorySiteID = CMSContext.CurrentSiteID;
newCategory.CategoryDisplayPrice = false;
newCategory.CategoryDefaultOptions = "";
// Create the option category
isExist = false;
return newCategory;
isExist = true;
OptionCategoryInfo existItem = new OptionCategoryInfo(OptionCategories.Tables[0].Rows[0]);
return existItem;
catch (Exception)
private SKUInfo CreateOption(string option, string optionNumber, string definedcategory, int definedcategoryId, bool isFirst)
// Get the department
DepartmentInfo department = DepartmentInfoProvider.GetDepartmentInfo("MyNewDepartment", CMSContext.CurrentSiteName);
// Get the option category
OptionCategoryInfo category = OptionCategoryInfoProvider.GetOptionCategoryInfo(definedcategory, CMSContext.CurrentSiteName);
if ((category != null))
string where = "SKUNumber = N'" + optionNumber + "'";
DataSet Options = SKUInfoProvider.GetSKUs(where, null);
if (Options.Tables[0].Rows.Count < 1)
// Create new product option object
SKUInfo newOption = new SKUInfo();
// Set the properties
newOption.SKUName = option;
newOption.SKUNumber = optionNumber;
newOption.SKUPrice = 0;
newOption.SKUEnabled = true;
newOption.SKUDepartmentID = 0;
newOption.SKUOptionCategoryID = category.CategoryID;
newOption.SKUSiteID = CMSContext.CurrentSiteID;
newOption.SKUProductType = SKUProductTypeEnum.Product;
newOption.SKUSellOnlyAvailable = true;
newOption.SKUNeedsShipping = true;
// Create the product option
if (isFirst)
string whereCO = "CategoryID = " + definedcategoryId;
DataSet categories = OptionCategoryInfoProvider.GetOptionCategories(whereCO, null);
OptionCategoryInfo info = new OptionCategoryInfo(categories.Tables[0].Rows[0]);
if (info.CategoryDefaultOptions == "")
info.CategoryDefaultOptions = newOption.SKUID.ToString();
return newOption;
SKUInfo existItem = new SKUInfo(Options.Tables[0].Rows[0]);
existItem.SKUOptionCategoryID = category.CategoryID;
if (isFirst)
string whereCO = "CategoryID = " + definedcategoryId;
DataSet categories = OptionCategoryInfoProvider.GetOptionCategories(whereCO, null);
OptionCategoryInfo info = new OptionCategoryInfo(categories.Tables[0].Rows[0]);
if (info.CategoryDefaultOptions == "")
info.CategoryDefaultOptions = existItem.SKUID.ToString();
return existItem;
return null;
private bool AddCategoryToProduct(int skuId, int categoryId)
SKUOptionCategoryInfoProvider.AddOptionCategoryToSKU(categoryId, skuId);
return true;