Hi Divya,
You can get the list of field and field groups defined for a form by using the BizFormInfoProvider and reading the ItemsList. It contains the list of fields and field groups defined for the form. Some of the field attributes are defined as properties of the FormFieldInfo object, while others are in hashtables provided by FormFieldInfo.Settings and FormFieldInfo.Properties.
var bizFormInfo = BizFormInfoProvider.GetBizFormInfo("Mike_sSample", "DancingGoat");
var itemsList = bizFormInfo.Form.ItemsList;
To submit form data, get the BizFormInfo object again, and then use the FormClassID to get the DataClassInfo object. You can then call BizFormItem.New to create a new form data record. Here's a simple sample without any field validation checks.
var classInfo = DataClassInfoProvider.GetDataClassInfo(formClassID);
var formItem = BizFormItem.New(classInfo.ClassName);
// Set field values using formItem.SetValue
Take care,