How to add variant as a smart search filter in kentico

giridhar Addagalla asked on November 17, 2018 14:09

Hi Is there any possible to add variant as a smart search filter using web part or i should create a custom code to create a variant search filter with local index (with out azure).

Recent Answers

Suneel Jhangiani answered on November 17, 2018 14:47

When I last did this, I did so by creating a Custom Smart Search Module, which added the variant data to the index by implementing a method to handle the 'DocumentEvents.GetContent.Execute' event.

Example code below, but please note it does something special with a Color Option Category as I needed to have a limited list in the filter but an unlimited number of actual colors (ie. Scarlet, Red and Wine are available as variants but should all be filtered as Red).

  /// <summary>
    /// Custom module to include product options in search indexes.
    /// </summary>
    public class ProductSmartSearchModule : Module
        // Module class constructor, the system registers the module under the name "CustomSmartSearch"
        public ProductSmartSearchModule()
            : base("ProductSmartSearchModule")

        // Contains initialization code that is executed when the application starts
        protected override void OnInit()

            // Assigns a handler to the GetContent event for pages
            DocumentEvents.GetContent.Execute += OnGetProductPageContent;

        private void OnGetProductPageContent(object sender, DocumentSearchEventArgs e)
            // Gets an object representing the page that is being indexed
            TreeNode indexedPage = e.Node;

            // Checks that the page exists and represents a product (SKU)
            if (indexedPage != null && indexedPage.HasSKU)
                // Gets the ID of the SKU
                int skuId = indexedPage.NodeSKUID;

                var categories = OptionCategoryInfoProvider.GetProductOptionCategories(skuId, true);

                // Loops through the product option categories
                foreach (var category in categories)
                    // Gets a list of enabled options in the product option category
                    var options = VariantHelper.GetEnabledOptionsWithVariantOptions(skuId, category.CategoryID);

                    string searchOptions = "";

                    if (options != null)
                        // Loops through the product options
                        foreach (var option in options)

                            // Adds the name of the product option into the indexed content for the product page
                            // Spaces added as separators to ensure that typical search index analyzers can correctly tokenize the index content
                            //e.Content += " " + option.SKUName + " ";

                            // handle special case if it is the color option category
                            if (category.CategoryID == SKUHelper.COLOR_OPTION_CATEGORY)
                                searchOptions += option.SKUDescription + " ";
                                searchOptions += option.SKUID + " ";


                        e.SearchDocument.Add("SKUOC_" + category.CategoryName, searchOptions, true, false);

(as a side note, perhaps someone can tell me how to set the code type when posting here so that it color codes correctly?)

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giridhar Addagalla answered on November 18, 2018 09:25

Actually i need to do this using the smart search filter using local indexs so is there any way to do like that, writing a search query in the smart search filter and showing the content in the dropdown .

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Suneel Jhangiani answered on November 19, 2018 11:40

That code adds the variant data to the Smart Search Index so that you can then access it using a smart search filter. You would still need to create a smart search filter that provides the UI for the user and sets the search web part filter condition.

Laura has an article on adding the data to the Index

The following is the Kentico docs for adding filters to your local searches

You basically need to do something like the below in your Filter web part:

ISearchFilterable searchWebpart = (ISearchFilterable) CMSControlsHelper.GetFilter(SearchWebpartID);
if (searchWebpart != null)
    searchWebpart.ApplyFilter(applyFilter, null, filterPostback);

Where 'applyFilter' is a string containing the Lucene filter text.

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