Hey Muhammad. There are some API examples for building pages programatically here:
Pages API Examples
The following link will give you some insight into working with already created pages within the API:
Working with pages in the API
Then hidden in the documentation above is a method on the TreeNode object call "SetValue". So within your new page object you would do something like this:
newPage.SetValue("propertyName", value);
So all together a new page object would look something like this:
// Creates a new instance of the Tree provider
TreeProvider tree = new TreeProvider(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser);
// Gets the current site's root "/" page, which will serve as the parent page
TreeNode parentPage = tree.SelectNodes()
if (parentPage != null)
// Creates a new page of the "CMS.MenuItem" page type
TreeNode newPage = TreeNode.New(SystemDocumentTypes.MenuItem, tree);
// Sets the properties of the new page
newPage.DocumentName = "Articles";
newPage.DocumentCulture = "en-us";
// Sets custom properties of the new page
newPage.SetValue("property1", "test");
newPage.SetValue("property2", DateTime.Today);
newPage.SetValue("property3", Array);
// Inserts the new page as a child of the parent page