Hi all,
I followed this document to make an integration test, but I got "The ConnectionString property has not been initialized." error message when running the test. I have added CMSTestConnectionString connectionString to app.config file. Does anyone know the reason and how to fix it?
Here are my codes:
using CMS.DataEngine; using CMS.DocumentEngine; using CMS.Helpers; using CMS.Tests; using System.Linq; namespace UnitTestProject { public class MyIntegrationTests : IntegrationTests { public static Author GetAuthor() { string NodeGUID = "fe3424aa-c1d5-4b1e-b7cb-35404b2b78ed"; var document = DocumentHelper.GetDocuments().Type("ABC.XYZ").Where("NodeGUID", QueryOperator.Equals, NodeGUID).Published().FirstOrDefault(); if (document != null) { return new Author { AuthorName = ValidationHelper.GetString(document.GetValue("Name"), ""), IsLeader = ValidationHelper.GetBoolean(document.GetValue("IsLeader"), false) }; } return null; } } public class Author { public string AuthorName { set; get; } public bool IsLeader { set; get; } } }
using System; using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting; namespace UnitTestProject { [TestClass] public class UnitTest1 { [TestMethod] public void TestMethod1() { Author au = MyIntegrationTests.GetAuthor(); } } }
Hi Hanh,
I think you need to inherit your test class (UnitTest1) from IntegrationTests class or you can rename CMSTestConnectionString to CMSConnectionString.
Hi Anton,
It worked! Thank you for your help
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