Get product document ratings in transformation of Wishlist web part

Iman Emran asked on May 6, 2016 17:45


I want to get product document ratings in transformation of Wishlist web part but DocumentRatings which is a column in the CMS_Document table is not available and only the columns of COM_SKU table is available in transformation of Wishlist web part.

How can I get the value of DocumentRatings of a product in transformation of Wishlist web part?

Can I join CMS_Document table to datasource of the queryrepeater in Wishlist web part to get desired columns from that table? How can I do this?


Recent Answers

Chetan Sharma answered on May 6, 2016 19:45

Yes you can do that. You need to identify the common column between them and use that to fetch data.

Product(SKU) like any other documents are also part of CMS_Document. So you should be able to find common columns between these two tables, CMS_Document & COM_SKU to get the missing columns.

Thanks, Chetan

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Iman Emran answered on May 7, 2016 07:13

Hi Chetan,

I know that but how can I do it in Wishlist web part????

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