Exported module not picking up on custom classes in .dll

3seed marketing asked on November 25, 2015 22:00

I have created a custom module and have some custom classes for it in an external project. So the Info and InfoProvider classes are in my external project. I exported my module and imported it into another site and also added the .dll to the new sites CMS/bin, everything pulled across properly, however, it seems like the new site is not picking up on the classes. I am getting the error [ObjectQueryBase.Object]: Object type 'msdynamicscrmintegration.syncronization' not found.

My external project has [assembly: AssemblyDiscoverable] in its AssemblyInfo.cs

I added my namespace to the Info and InfoProvider classes. Would this cause an issue?


using System;
using System.Data;
using System.Runtime.Serialization;
using System.Collections.Generic;

using CMS;
using CMS.DataEngine;
using CMS.Helpers;
using MSDynamicsCRMIntegration;

[assembly: RegisterObjectType(typeof(LeadFormInfo), LeadFormInfo.OBJECT_TYPE)]
namespace MSDynamicsCRMIntegration
    /// <summary>
    /// LeadFormInfo data container class.
    /// </summary>
    public class LeadFormInfo : AbstractInfo<LeadFormInfo>
        #region "Type information"

        /// <summary>
        /// Object type
        /// </summary>
        public const string OBJECT_TYPE = "msdynamicscrmintegration.leadform";

Recent Answers

Dawid Jachnik answered on November 26, 2015 10:51


Makre sure that you import your classes correctly.

Probably you class exists only in files and doesn't have reflect in database.

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Citro Digital answered on November 28, 2015 19:19

I believe I imported them correctly. They are in the database.

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Citro Digital answered on November 28, 2015 20:27

Looks like an issue with a dll in the external project was causing an error that was preventing my classes from being read properly.

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Joshua Adams answered on December 2, 2015 20:45

Did you install the correct dependencies for the solution that you are placing the dlls in. If the dll relies on kentico libraries and was developed on a different hotfix or version, that could be the issue. Try rebuilding the dll with the same dlls and maybe that could fix it.

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