Thanks Jan I did just that I was just wondering if that was the "correct" way of going about it?
I was also wondering why the else condition in this xml/text transition portion of the hierarchical transformation was never satisfied?
is else not supported?
{% if(Cache(Documents[NodeAliasPath].Parent.ClassName, 5, true, "Parent|" + NodeAliasPath, GetCacheDependency("nodes|<site name>|<page type code name>|all")) == "EnvoyTravelTechnologies.Overview" && Documents.Where("NodeID = " + NodeID).FirstItem.Children.Count > 0) { DocumentName + "</li>" } else if(Documents.Where("NodeID = " + NodeID).FirstItem.Children.Count > 0) { "<a class=\"dropdown-toggle\" href=\"" + Transformation.GetDocumentUrl() + "\">" + DocumentName + "</a>" } else { "<a href=\"" + Transformation.GetDocumentUrl() + "\">" + DocumentName + "</a>" }
OR would this be better suited to a user control with placeholders and visibility?