Email performance when sending newsletters

Mark Elliott asked on May 29, 2015 21:37

We would like to take advantage of the newsletter features in Kentico to send out a regular email blast to over 4000 subscribers. However in our current implementation we are sending out a much smaller email blast to around 450 subscribers and the process takes around 20-30 minutes to complete. If we were to implement this for the larger email list the process would take hours - this is too long. Has anyone else experienced this issue and are there any solutions to speed this process up?



Recent Answers

Petar Kozjak answered on June 1, 2015 10:47


this depends on your Mail Server. What you can do is schedule sending when you are not using mail server. Over night or after working hours. Also you can rent dedicated SMTP server for sending newsletters. Other options is to use multiple SMTP server for better performance.

Here is more info on that:

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Mark Elliott answered on June 1, 2015 17:06

Hi Petar,

Thanks for the information. Looks like changing the delivery option from Network to Pickup folder might speed the deliveries. Is there no way to configure the default smtp server to use a pickup folder? We have EMS license in development environment but only have Ultimate license in production and I dont see the SMTP servers application where I can configure it.

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Petar Kozjak answered on June 2, 2015 10:24

Hi Mark,

SMTP servers are part of EMS. For ultimate you have only default settings. Not sure can you extend them with customization or web.config settings.

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