I have a biz form and when that form is submitted it triggers a CMSModule. The module finds out 5 different alias paths and gets information from HTML fields which are part of a custom page type.
This is the following code
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(answer6NodeAliasPath))
node6 = tp.SelectSingleNode(CMS.SiteProvider.SiteContext.CurrentSiteName, answer6NodeAliasPath, "");
node6Value = node6.GetStringValue("AnswerExplanation", "");
string[,] macros = new string[,] {
{ "text1", WebUtility.HtmlEncode(node1Value) },
{ "text2", WebUtility.HtmlEncode(node2Value) },
{ "text3", WebUtility.HtmlEncode(node3Value) },
{ "text4", WebUtility.HtmlEncode(node4Value) },
{ "text5", WebUtility.HtmlEncode(node5Value) },
{ "text6", WebUtility.HtmlEncode(node6Value) }
MacroResolver macroResolver = new MacroResolver();
if (emailTemplate != null)
EmailMessage emailMessage = new EmailMessage();
emailMessage.EmailFormat = EmailFormatEnum.Html;
emailMessage.Recipients = emailFieldValue;
emailMessage.From = emailTemplate.TemplateFrom;
emailMessage.Subject = emailTemplate.TemplateSubject;
EmailSender.SendEmailWithTemplateText(CMS.SiteProvider.SiteContext.CurrentSiteName, emailMessage, emailTemplate, macroResolver, true);
I am using an HTML email template which is very basic right now
The value of text1 is HTML data with HTML tags. The tags are not getting rendered in the email. The email shows up as
My organization has a strong service vision and values<br /> 1. You scored yourself: Agree<br />
Any ideas?
Thank you