Disable Quantity for Product in Shopping Cart

Delford Chaffin asked on February 25, 2016 18:04

Is it possible to disable the quantity field for a particular product in the shopping cart?

Correct Answer

Delford Chaffin answered on February 25, 2016 23:08

This is how I ended up doing this if anyone has a similar case. In this case (reserved seat tickets), the likelihood of anyone changing the quantity was low, but I still wanted to trap it if they tried ...

using CMS.Ecommerce;
using CMS.EventLog;
using CMS.SettingsProvider;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;

public partial class CMSModuleLoader
    private class TicketItemEventsAttribute : CMSLoaderAttribute
        public override void Init()
            ObjectEvents.Update.After += TicketItem_Update_After;
        private void TicketItem_Update_After(object sender, ObjectEventArgs e)
                ShoppingCartItemInfo item = (ShoppingCartItemInfo)e.Object;
                string _TicketSKUs = SettingsKeyProvider.GetStringValue("CMS.CustomSettings.MyCategory.TicketSKUs");
                List<string> _skuList = _TicketSKUs.Split(',').ToList();
                if (_skuList.Contains(item.SKUID.ToString()))
                    if (item.CartItemUnits != 1)
                        item.CartItemUnits = 1;
                        EventLogProvider.LogInformation("TicketSeating", "TicketItem_Update_After", "User tried to update quantity of a seat.");
            catch { }
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