i am using kentico11.i need CountryTwoLetterCode from CMS_COUNTRY database table.how to write the query.
In that case simply use:
CountryInfo entity = CountryInfoProvider.GetCountryInfo(YOURID);
If the requested CountryInfo object exists, it will contain all available information, such as the two-letter country code.
What do you want to get back? Select colomn from table i.e : Select CountryTwoLetterCode From cms_country
Select CountryTwoLetterCode From cms_country
write thiscode in cs file
Try this. Add any further columns you might need.
List<CountryInfo> entities = CountryInfoProvider.GetCountries() .Columns("CountryID", "CountryTwoLetterCode") .ToList();
i have countryID,i want countrytwolettercode corresponding to that countryID.(where condition)
thanks for ur answer..i have created CustomInfoProvider and custominfo class.by using these provider class how can i insert the data into custom table.
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