Hello! Kentico V9. For the past three weeks or so, images and content that I add or edit using the Kentico UI display only intermittently. Here on my machine, I can view a page on our site in Chrome that tells me an image I added to the page is a 404. I jump over to Firefox, and the image displays. I've tried clearning cache of course.
Example (large banner with elderly woman): http://www.generac.com/Industrial/industrial-solutions/healthcare
We have not made any edits to the overall functionality of the site. I just can't figure out what's happening. Can anyone help steer me towards a solution?
Thanks, DevNet!
I can't see the image on either chrome or firefox, but I noticed that the path has whitespaces in it (.../Solutions by Industry/...), which can sometimes cause problems.
If you can post the hotfix version it could help with identifying the issue.
Thanks for the fast reply, Peter. I eliminated the spaces in the file path and we're still getting the same behavior.
We are v9.0.50 (does this version # include the hotfix version?).
Weird issue...
But now I can't reproduce the issue (always see it in Firefox) anymore..
So guess it's a combination of Firefox and one of your cookies :)
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