Contact form

Theodoulos Iacovou asked on February 28, 2020 08:27

I have a built a contact form and I want the recorder data to be automatically deleted on the 1st of the year.Any suggestion please?

Correct Answer

Arjan van Hugten answered on February 28, 2020 11:04

You can just follow the custom scheduling task documentation. You need to create a custom class library project. There you can create the task. After referencing the project to your kentico webapp project you can create a new custom scheduled task in the CMS interface.

In the schedulded task you can check if the date of the form data record is in previous year, and delete the record if this is the case.

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Recent Answers

Arjan van Hugten answered on February 28, 2020 10:12

I think this could be done by creating a custom scheduled task in which you delete the form data you want to delete.

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Theodoulos Iacovou answered on February 28, 2020 10:30 (last edited on February 28, 2020 10:31)

Arjan van Hugten , by the scheduling i will set date to delete the form data?

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Theodoulos Iacovou answered on February 28, 2020 10:49

Any instructions of where i must add the task code?

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