Cleanning Smart search tasks

Olivier Cozette asked on November 6, 2015 15:21

Because of an unknown reason (solved now...), I have 1.2M tasks waiting to be processed at my smart search tasks list. I know how to delete ONE tasks at a time, but if I need or wanted to clean all scheduled tasks on the list, is there any smart way to do it ?

cleaning the table (CMS_SearchTask) will do it ? or I should'not touch anything in here ? I don't want to create a mess worst than the one I have today !

Correct Answer

Timothy Fenton answered on November 6, 2015 15:58

Hello Juan

You can definitely clear the CMS_SearchTask table directly, however you will need to rebuild your smart search indexes once you do this because they will more than likely be in an inconsistent state at this point since the search tasks were removed unexpectedly

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Recent Answers

Olivier Cozette answered on November 6, 2015 16:35 (last edited on November 6, 2015 16:59)

Thank you Timothy ! It worked perfectly.

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Ozgur Ozguven answered on December 16, 2015 12:26


I have a similar problem in Kentico 8 and sometimes I end up with a very long indexing task list caused by a task with error. Unlike Juan, I haven't yet figured out the reason for the error so I would like to ask whether there is an existing way to clear out this list on a regular basis (like deletign tasks that are more than a few hours old) or a way to get notified when there is a taks with an error?

I would appreciate any help and advice.



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