CKEditor Plug-Ins

Eric Rovtar asked on March 11, 2016 03:43


Is it okay to use CKEditor plug-ins with Kentico 9?

Specifically, I'm looking at CodeMirror ( to provide some HTML highlighting.

Beyond the obvious potential issues with plug-ins, is there any reason to not use these with Kentico?



Recent Answers

Eric Rovtar answered on March 11, 2016 16:14

Let me add to this quickly since I was just poking around what's installed with Kentico 9.

It looks like CodeMirror is already installed, but when I have a Rich Text Editor at a Page field and use the Source option, highlighting doesn't happen.

Is there a way to turn that on for a specific Rich Text Editor?

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Sven Schaetzl answered on October 10, 2016 16:23

No answer?

We hacked codemirror once into the old CKEditor 3.x-Codemirror-compatible to have it in all Rich Text Editors (mainly in HTML fields of widgets/web parts).

I don't understand why this is not enabled by default.

Thanks, Sven

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