"Areas with the following identifiers are missing from page markup: area1. Saving the page will resu

Vishal p asked on April 20, 2020 16:00

I'm a beginner in Kentico and i'm trying to build a page. I'm working on Kentico 12 MVC. I have followed all documentations provided by Kentico and i have created a page with editable area. I have created a widget with few properties. When I add the widget in the page and when I click on Save button i'm getting "Areas with the following identifiers are missing from page markup: area1. Saving the page will result in lost data". Can anyone suggest what may be the issue. Thanks in advance.

Recent Answers

Arjan van Hugten answered on April 20, 2020 16:15 (last edited on April 20, 2020 16:23)


To me it looks like you have had an editable area in your page with the name 'area1'. Could it be that you have changed the name of the editable area or removed this area? This can cause the pagebuilder reporting an error that saving the page will result in the loss of widgets that where added in the previous 'area1'.

Renaming or removing editable areas will cause loss of widgets that where previously added into the editable area and this can cause the warning when saving the page.

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Vishal p answered on April 21, 2020 05:22

Hi Arjan, Thanks for ur reply. Right now I have created only one editable area and that's "area1". When I add a widget in area1 and try to save it im getting the error.

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David te Kloese answered on April 21, 2020 09:50

Do you see any page-builder initialization errors?

Somewhere in your code you have something like: HttpContext.Kentico().PageBuilder().Initialize(yourCustomType.DocumentID);

I've seen this type of behavior when you only retrieve Published pages, or have an issue with multiple cultures and you want to add or change widgets to a page that's not published yet.

If so check where you retrieve the Document and based on current state include unpublished pages, get the correct or combine cultures.

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