I am trying to use my DataItemIndex to display numbers with a leading zero in a transformation as follows (01, 02, 03...)
Kentico returns nothing when doing it like this:
{%String.FormatString("{0:D2}", DataItemIndex + 1)%}
If I remove the +1 from the string like below it returns (00, 01, 02) as expected:
{%String.FormatString("{0:D2}", DataItemIndex)%}
Any suggestions on how I get Kentico to allow me to have this leading zero format while incrementing the DatItemIndex by 1 so that my numbering system starts at 01? I've using a variable as well but get the same result. I've also tried wrapping the DataItemIndex + 1 in () but that did work either. I have also tried using DisplayIndex with the same results.
KX12 Portal Engine
I added an additional IF statement in front of my {%String.FormatString(DataItemIndex+1)#%} that adds a 0 if the DataItemIndex was less than 10. Thanks!
The String.FormatString syntax is
String.FormatString(Object format, String parameters)
For that reason you are not able to increment DataItemIndex in the macro. What you can try is
{%String.FormatString("{0:D2}", DataItemIndex).Replace("00","")#%}
Hi Sultan,
Your recommendation would just provide a blank result for the first visual set of numbers (00) so it would come out blank, 01, 02... What I am aiming for is to have the transformation run through my index items (page types) starting at the 0-based index and then I want to use that index to also display, visually, the number as a 1-based index with a leading zero. So, for instance DataItemIndex 0 would show as 01, DataItemIndex 1 would show as 02 and so forth.
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