Add product options to a product

Evine Beursken asked on January 19, 2017 11:14


I am trying to create products with a variant in its color. I followed the steps:


I have created a product option category with options in the App: Product options (attribute, enabled). I have created a product (based on the product page type with SKU, Product name and so on in the App: Products).

If I want to link these two, I can not make it work: In App:Products I can not find any Product options category and the otherway around in the App:Product options I can not find the product.

Do I need to enable this option globally? If so, where?

Thanks in advance!

Correct Answer

Petar Kozjak answered on January 19, 2017 13:48

If you have selected globally when option created go to Store Configuration, under first tab there is Global objects. And check Product options.

Hop this helps...

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Recent Answers

Petar Kozjak answered on January 19, 2017 11:54


when you view your product in a content tree you have last tab with SKU drop down where you have Options. Same is when you view your product from Ecommerce > Products, when product is selected you should see Option categories and Add Categories button.

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Evine Beursken answered on January 19, 2017 12:19

Hi Petar,

This is true, but the 'Add Categories' button shows only Categories that do already exist and mine is not showing any categories to select. I think it should because I already created a Product option category in App:Product options.

And the 'new category button' is disabled

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Evine Beursken answered on January 19, 2017 14:04

Hi Petar,

Thanks, that was the trick!

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