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Version 6.x > Portal Engine > How to add a custom report within the ecommerce reporting section View modes: 
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Certified Developer v7
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CMeeg - 2/6/2012 6:39:13 AM
How to add a custom report within the ecommerce reporting section
I'm using v6 of Kentico and I'd like to add a custom report underneath the reports section of the Ecommerce tab in CMS Desk (CMS Desk > Ecommerce > Reports). Is this possible and if so, how can I do it?

I found a Knowledge Base article describing how to do this, but having looked at the code it seems things have changed for v6 and these instructions no longer apply.

Adding a custom report pre v6

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 2/6/2012 8:02:16 AM
RE:How to add a custom report within the ecommerce reporting section

You are looking for the following link to our documentation:


Best regards,
Jan Hermann

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Certified Developer v7
Certified  Developer v7
CMeeg - 2/6/2012 11:12:24 AM
RE:How to add a custom report within the ecommerce reporting section
Hi Jan,

Thanks for the reply. Perhaps I wasn't clear in my original post, but my problem wasn't to do with creating the report or anything like that. It was to do with placing a custom report in the list of reports found here CMS Desk > E-commerce > Reports.

The link in the knowledge base article that I linked to in the original post describes exactly what I want to do, but unfortunately those instructions do not work in v6. So I was basically looking for a v6 version of that knowledge base article.

I had a look through the Reports module documentation before and after my original post and couldn't find anything related, but after discussing with my colleague he found that what I wanted to do could be done by editing the UI settings of the E-commerce module here:

CMS Site Manager > Development > Modules > E-commerce > User Interface > Orders > Reports > New element (I just based this new element on one of the existing report elements defined here and pointed it at my custom report)

Maybe it does say in the docs how to do this and I've just missed it. I had a look in the e-commerce docs too, but still couldn't find anything. If it is definitely documented somewhere then please feel free to update this post with a deep link to the exact page needed or a description of how to get to the relevant info.

Many thanks,

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_janh - 2/7/2012 4:04:03 AM
RE:How to add a custom report within the ecommerce reporting section

Oh I see, yes, this (CMS Site Manager -> Development -> Modules -> E-commerce -> User Interface -> Orders -> Reports) is a right path, where to add a new module (report) to display it in CMS Desk -> E-commerce -> Reports.

Since the report is a module as any other, we have only one place in our documentation, where is described, how to access a module:


Best regards,
Jan Hermann