1/23/2012 9:38:18 PM
Error - Site Import
I have export a site created locally to one of our servers. During the import, I have left all the options by default (didn't change anything). At the end of the process, I've got error below. It is a pre-compiled site. Not sure if that's why. Any ideas? If pre-compiled site is an issue. Do you think, we can create a new site manually, then use content staging to synchronise it? ERROR: Error importing 'System tables' objects (Ecommerce - SKU) Message: [ TableManager.UpdateDocumentViews() ] An error occurred. Original exception: [DataConnection.ExecuteQuery]: Query: CREATE VIEW View_Mitchelton_Content_Joined AS SELECT View_CMS_Tree_Joined.*, Mitchelton_Content.* FROM View_CMS_Tree_Joined INNER JOIN Mitchelton_Content ON View_CMS_Tree_Joined.DocumentForeignKeyValue = Mitchelton_Content.[ContentID] WHERE (ClassName = 'REST.Content') : caused exception: Invalid object name 'Mitchelton_Content'. Stack Trace: at CMS.DataEngine.TableManager.RefreshDocumentViews() at CMS.DataEngine.TableManager.RefreshCustomViews(String tableName) at CMS.CMSImportExport.ImportProvider.UpdateObject(SiteImportSettings settings, IInfoObject infoObj, Boolean siteObject, DataSet ds, TranslationHelper th, Boolean updateChild, Int32 targetSiteId, ProcessObjectEnum process, Hashtable importedParentIDs, ArrayList postProcessList) at CMS.CMSImportExport.ImportProvider.ImportObjects(SiteImportSettings settings, DataSet ds, String objectType, Boolean siteObjects, TranslationHelper th, Boolean importChild, ProcessObjectEnum processType, Hashtable importedParentIDs)
Warning: The VirtualPathProvider is not running. This could be caused by the fact that you are using precompiled website or the application runs under medium trust environment. In this case it is not recommended to copy objects files during the import process.
Kentico Support
1/24/2012 1:00:30 AM
RE:Error - Site Import
Hi, What is the exact version number of Kentico CMS you are using? Are you running it in medium trust environment? Have you converted it to web application project? What confuses me is that you used forum for v5.x whereas there is already known and fixed bug with the same error message in v6. If you are using version 6, could you please apply the latest hotfix? Best regards, Juraj Ondrus
1/24/2012 3:57:24 PM
RE:Error - Site Import
>> What is the exact version number of Kentico CMS you are using? It's v5.5.3789.
>>Are you running it in medium trust environment? That seems to be whats its complaining but how do I check?
>>Have you converted it to web application project? It's website project
>>What confuses me is that you used forum for v5.x whereas there is already known and fixed bug with the same error message in v6. If you are using version 6, could you please apply the latest hotfix? Is there a hotfix without upgrading to version 6?
Cheers Kobkan
Kentico Support
1/25/2012 6:08:52 AM
RE:Error - Site Import
Hi, What is set as your DB owner and for the database schema? It seems it is set to be different than the default "DBO" (which is also a default setting in Site Manager -> settings section). Would it be possible to change the DB owner/schema to DBO and try the import again? Moreover, just a general recommendation - please use at least the latest hotfix for your version or, even better consider an upgrade to a newer version. Best regards, Juraj Ondrus
10/11/2012 5:43:48 AM
RE:Error - Site Import
I have the same problem in version 7, latest hotfix.
Site Manager/Settings/System/DB object schema: dbo
What should I do to fix it?
Best regards, Robert Ratajczak
10/11/2012 5:51:39 AM
RE:Error - Site Import
elfz-wp wrote: Hello,
I have the same problem in version 7, latest hotfix.
Site Manager/Settings/System/DB object schema: dbo
What should I do to fix it?
This is exact issue:
ERROR: Error importing 'System tables' objects (Ecommerce - SKU) Message: [ TableManager.UpdateDocumentViews() ] An error occurred. Original exception: [DataConnection.HandleError]: Query: CREATE VIEW View_CMS_Tree_Joined_Regular WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT S.SiteName, C.ClassName, C.ClassDisplayName, T.[NodeID], T.[NodeAliasPath], T.[NodeName], T.[NodeAlias], T.[NodeClassID], T.[NodeParentID], T.[NodeLevel], T.[NodeACLID], T.[NodeSiteID], T.[NodeGUID], T.[NodeOrder], T.[IsSecuredNode], T.[NodeCacheMinutes], T.[NodeSKUID], T.[NodeDocType], T.[NodeHeadTags], T.[NodeBodyElementAttributes], T.[NodeInheritPageLevels], T.[NodeChildNodesCount], T.[RequiresSSL], T.[NodeLinkedNodeID], T.[NodeOwner], T.[NodeCustomData], T.[NodeGroupID], T.[NodeLinkedNodeSiteID], T.[NodeTemplateID], T.[NodeWireframeTemplateID], T.[NodeWireframeComment], T.[NodeTemplateForAllCultures], T.[NodeInheritPageTemplate], T.[NodeWireframeInheritPageLevels], T.[NodeAllowCacheInFileSystem], D.[DocumentID], D.[DocumentName], D.[DocumentNamePath], D.[DocumentModifiedWhen], D.[DocumentModifiedByUserID], D.[DocumentForeignKeyValue], D.[DocumentCreatedByUserID], D.[DocumentCreatedWhen], D.[DocumentCheckedOutByUserID], D.[DocumentCheckedOutWhen], D.[DocumentCheckedOutVersionHistoryID], D.[DocumentPublishedVersionHistoryID], D.[DocumentWorkflowStepID], D.[DocumentPublishFrom], D.[DocumentPublishTo], D.[DocumentUrlPath], D.[DocumentCulture], D.[DocumentNodeID], D.[DocumentPageTitle], D.[DocumentPageKeyWords], D.[DocumentPageDescription], D.[DocumentShowInSiteMap], D.[DocumentMenuItemHideInNavigation], D.[DocumentMenuCaption], D.[DocumentMenuStyle], D.[DocumentMenuItemImage], D.[DocumentMenuItemLeftImage], D.[DocumentMenuItemRightImage], D.[DocumentPageTemplateID], D.[DocumentMenuJavascript], D.[DocumentMenuRedirectUrl], D.[DocumentUseNamePathForUrlPath], D.[DocumentStylesheetID], D.[DocumentContent], D.[DocumentMenuClass], D.[DocumentMenuStyleOver], D.[DocumentMenuClassOver], D.[DocumentMenuItemImageOver], D.[DocumentMenuItemLeftImageOver], D.[DocumentMenuItemRightImageOver], D.[DocumentMenuStyleHighlighted], D.[DocumentMenuClassHighlighted], D.[DocumentMenuItemImageHighlighted], D.[DocumentMenuItemLeftImageHighlighted], D.[DocumentMenuItemRightImageHighlighted], D.[DocumentMenuItemInactive], D.[DocumentCustomData], D.[DocumentExtensions], D.[DocumentCampaign], D.[DocumentTags], D.[DocumentTagGroupID], D.[DocumentWildcardRule], D.[DocumentWebParts], D.[DocumentRatingValue], D.[DocumentRatings], D.[DocumentPriority], D.[DocumentType], D.[DocumentLastPublished], D.[DocumentUseCustomExtensions], D.[DocumentGroupWebParts], D.[DocumentCheckedOutAutomatically], D.[DocumentTrackConversionName], D.[DocumentConversionValue], D.[DocumentSearchExcluded], D.[DocumentLastVersionName], D.[DocumentLastVersionNumber], D.[DocumentIsArchived], D.[DocumentLastVersionType], D.[DocumentLastVersionMenuRedirectUrl], D.[DocumentHash], D.[DocumentLogVisitActivity], D.[DocumentGUID], D.[DocumentWorkflowCycleGUID], D.[DocumentSitemapSettings], D.[DocumentIsWaitingForTranslation], D.[DocumentSKUName], D.[DocumentSKUDescription], D.[DocumentSKUShortDescription], D.[DocumentWorkflowActionStatus] FROM dbo.CMS_Tree T INNER JOIN dbo.CMS_Document D ON T.NodeID = D.DocumentNodeID INNER JOIN dbo.CMS_Site S ON T.NodeSiteID = S.SiteID INNER JOIN dbo.CMS_Class C ON T.NodeClassID = C.ClassID: caused exception: Invalid object name 'dbo.CMS_Tree'. Stack Trace: at CMS.DataEngine.TableManager.RefreshDocumentViews() at CMS.DataEngine.TableManager.RefreshCustomViews(String tableName) at CMS.CMSImportExport.ImportProvider.UpdateObject(SiteImportSettings settings, GeneralizedInfo infoObj, Boolean siteObject, DataSet ds, TranslationHelper th, Boolean updateChild, Int32 targetSiteId, ProcessObjectEnum process, Dictionary`2 importedParentIDs, List`1 postProcessList, List`1 affectedObjects, BaseInfo parentObject, Boolean postProcessing) at CMS.CMSImportExport.ImportProvider.ImportObjects(SiteImportSettings settings, DataSet ds, String objectType, Boolean siteObjects, TranslationHelper th, Boolean importChild, ProcessObjectEnum processType, Dictionary`2 importedParentIDs)
ERROR: Error during import process Message: [ TableManager.UpdateDocumentViews() ] An error occurred. Original exception: [DataConnection.HandleError]: Query: CREATE VIEW View_CMS_Tree_Joined_Regular WITH SCHEMABINDING AS SELECT S.SiteName, C.ClassName, C.ClassDisplayName, T.[NodeID], T.[NodeAliasPath], T.[NodeName], T.[NodeAlias], T.[NodeClassID], T.[NodeParentID], T.[NodeLevel], T.[NodeACLID], T.[NodeSiteID], T.[NodeGUID], T.[NodeOrder], T.[IsSecuredNode], T.[NodeCacheMinutes], T.[NodeSKUID], T.[NodeDocType], T.[NodeHeadTags], T.[NodeBodyElementAttributes], T.[NodeInheritPageLevels], T.[NodeChildNodesCount], T.[RequiresSSL], T.[NodeLinkedNodeID], T.[NodeOwner], T.[NodeCustomData], T.[NodeGroupID], T.[NodeLinkedNodeSiteID], T.[NodeTemplateID], T.[NodeWireframeTemplateID], T.[NodeWireframeComment], T.[NodeTemplateForAllCultures], T.[NodeInheritPageTemplate], T.[NodeWireframeInheritPageLevels], T.[NodeAllowCacheInFileSystem], D.[DocumentID], D.[DocumentName], D.[DocumentNamePath], D.[DocumentModifiedWhen], D.[DocumentModifiedByUserID], D.[DocumentForeignKeyValue], D.[DocumentCreatedByUserID], D.[DocumentCreatedWhen], D.[DocumentCheckedOutByUserID], D.[DocumentCheckedOutWhen], D.[DocumentCheckedOutVersionHistoryID], D.[DocumentPublishedVersionHistoryID], D.[DocumentWorkflowStepID], D.[DocumentPublishFrom], D.[DocumentPublishTo], D.[DocumentUrlPath], D.[DocumentCulture], D.[DocumentNodeID], D.[DocumentPageTitle], D.[DocumentPageKeyWords], D.[DocumentPageDescription], D.[DocumentShowInSiteMap], D.[DocumentMenuItemHideInNavigation], D.[DocumentMenuCaption], D.[DocumentMenuStyle], D.[DocumentMenuItemImage], D.[DocumentMenuItemLeftImage], D.[DocumentMenuItemRightImage], D.[DocumentPageTemplateID], D.[DocumentMenuJavascript], D.[DocumentMenuRedirectUrl], D.[DocumentUseNamePathForUrlPath], D.[DocumentStylesheetID], D.[DocumentContent], D.[DocumentMenuClass], D.[DocumentMenuStyleOver], D.[DocumentMenuClassOver], D.[DocumentMenuItemImageOver], D.[DocumentMenuItemLeftImageOver], D.[DocumentMenuItemRightImageOver], D.[DocumentMenuStyleHighlighted], D.[DocumentMenuClassHighlighted], D.[DocumentMenuItemImageHighlighted], D.[DocumentMenuItemLeftImageHighlighted], D.[DocumentMenuItemRightImageHighlighted], D.[DocumentMenuItemInactive], D.[DocumentCustomData], D.[DocumentExtensions], D.[DocumentCampaign], D.[DocumentTags], D.[DocumentTagGroupID], D.[DocumentWildcardRule], D.[DocumentWebParts], D.[DocumentRatingValue], D.[DocumentRatings], D.[DocumentPriority], D.[DocumentType], D.[DocumentLastPublished], D.[DocumentUseCustomExtensions], D.[DocumentGroupWebParts], D.[DocumentCheckedOutAutomatically], D.[DocumentTrackConversionName], D.[DocumentConversionValue], D.[DocumentSearchExcluded], D.[DocumentLastVersionName], D.[DocumentLastVersionNumber], D.[DocumentIsArchived], D.[DocumentLastVersionType], D.[DocumentLastVersionMenuRedirectUrl], D.[DocumentHash], D.[DocumentLogVisitActivity], D.[DocumentGUID], D.[DocumentWorkflowCycleGUID], D.[DocumentSitemapSettings], D.[DocumentIsWaitingForTranslation], D.[DocumentSKUName], D.[DocumentSKUDescription], D.[DocumentSKUShortDescription], D.[DocumentWorkflowActionStatus] FROM dbo.CMS_Tree T INNER JOIN dbo.CMS_Document D ON T.NodeID = D.DocumentNodeID INNER JOIN dbo.CMS_Site S ON T.NodeSiteID = S.SiteID INNER JOIN dbo.CMS_Class C ON T.NodeClassID = C.ClassID: caused exception: Invalid object name 'dbo.CMS_Tree'. Stack Trace: at CMS.CMSImportExport.ImportProvider.ImportObjects(SiteImportSettings settings, DataSet ds, String objectType, Boolean siteObjects, TranslationHelper th, Boolean importChild, ProcessObjectEnum processType, Dictionary`2 importedParentIDs) at CMS.CMSImportExport.ImportProvider.ImportObjectType(SiteImportSettings settings, String objectType, Boolean siteObject, TranslationHelper th, ProcessObjectEnum process, Dictionary`2 importedParentIDs) at CMS.CMSImportExport.ImportProvider.ImportObjectsData(SiteImportSettings settings)
Best regards, Robert Ratajczak
Kentico Support
10/12/2012 1:55:31 AM
RE:Error - Site Import
Could you please send us the export package? What is the version of the site you want to import?
Best regards, Juraj Ondrus
10/15/2012 12:04:08 AM
RE:Error - Site Import
Probably I found the issue.
I have test account on my hosting and there is only 125 MB for DB.
There is not enought free space and this is the reason of my problem with import.
How big disk space for DB is required for KenticoCMS 7?
Best regards, Robert
Kentico Support
10/15/2012 3:24:41 AM
RE:Error - Site Import
The minimum requirement is to have 100MB+ for the DB - however it depends on the amount of content in the DB and also where are you storing the files.
Best regards, Juraj Ondrus
3/27/2013 7:20:51 AM
RE:Error - Site Import
I think I found the correct error. Failed to delete the document: [LicenseVersionCheck] Requested page can not be displayed due to license limitations.
I didn't delete sites witch SKU before end of trial. How do I delete now the document wchich can't be displayed due to licencse limitation? Now I can't export my site and i can't delete sites witch SKU too. Regards, Robert
3/27/2013 5:47:11 PM
RE:Error - Site Import
Is there any possibility to uncheck E-commerce SKU during importing site or maybe some way to remove no licensed sites?
Kentico Support
3/28/2013 10:04:23 AM
RE:Error - Site Import
I will send you a limited time license key so you will be able to remove the objects that are exceeding the limits.
Best regards, Juraj Ondrus