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Version 7.x > Bug reportsRe-occurence of old bug? : Multiple Categories Selector Validation View modes: 
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@davey_lad - 10/16/2013 6:34:04 AM
Re-occurence of old bug? : Multiple Categories Selector Validation
Hi ,

We recently upgraded from Hotfix 32 to Hotfix 56 in the last week or so and since then I've noticed a problem with the Multiple Category Selector form control validation.

This problem is similar to an issue which was fixed by Hotfix 31.

To replicate the validation issue set the "Min Length" property in the validation section for the control (Document Type > Fields) to anything greater than 0 then try to save a document.

Regardless of how many categories you select it throws a validation error. This was a problem for us before and was the reason we applied hotfix 32.

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_romank - 10/16/2013 7:02:45 AM
RE:Re-occurence of old bug? : Multiple Categories Selector Validation

I was able to reproduce the issue as you have desribed, thank you for letting us know. I will inform our developers and as soon as I receive their response I will post it here.

Best Regards,
Roman Konicek

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_romank - 10/31/2013 3:55:39 AM
RE:Re-occurence of old bug? : Multiple Categories Selector Validation

I have confirmation from our developers that this is a bug, they are working on fixing the issue, it should be fixed in next hotfix.

Please as a possible workaround do not set minLenght validation property, if it is possible.

Best Regards,
Roman Konicek