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Version 7.x > Bug reports > Currency bug maybe View modes: 
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Oscar.Alvarado-sos-kd - 9/20/2013 3:32:51 AM
Currency bug maybe
Hello, i have set up a webshop in kentico, we are using version v7.0.43.
Thing is that i have set up the currency in The E-Commerce tab, configuration and added a new Currency named PESOS for (country) Colombia.
The bug is that whenever i see the webshop displaying the products, it still shows me the EURO symbol (which was the value used before) , my currency PESOS is set to be as main and is enabled, the EURO is disabled, but when i try to remove it , i get this message:
The selected item cannot be deleted because it's used by other records. You need to remove it from the related records first or you can disable this item.

I have also notice that the webpart ProductViewer displays me the amount with the currency (for example : 2000 €, instead of 2000 $), and the line of code that shows me this is: <p class="price">{{carePackage.unitPriceFormatted}}</p>

I have tried to describe my issue as detailed as i could. Could someone give me some hints on how to proceed so that my shopping cart will show me the $ symbol instead of the EURO symbol?

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Certified Developer 10
Certified Developer 10
josha-bpstudios - 10/9/2013 3:08:52 PM
RE:Currency bug maybe
How is the currency set up? In the currency format price did you accidentally keep the format string to be € {0:F} (Euros)

If you want US dollars it should just be {0}.

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kentico_sandroj - 10/9/2013 8:48:42 PM
RE:Currency bug maybe

As Joshua mentioned, the issue is likely in the format under CMS Desk > Tools > E-Commerce > Currencies > [edit]Currency > Currency formatting string.

Additional documentation is available here. Please let us know if the string is configured properly but you are still seeing this behavior.

Best Regards,

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Kentico Support
Kentico Support
kentico_zdenekc - 10/14/2013 3:35:03 PM
RE:Currency bug maybe

The forgotten Euro sign seems to be most possible cause of this behavior. Currency format in Kentico CMS follows the .NET string formatting, which takes the regional settings on the server.
Links to some interesting examples (thousands separators, etc.), can be found in our E-commerce FAQ #380 on our devnet.
