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Version 7.x > Bug reports > Custom table - export to action - exports without national characters View modes: 
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bartek.miluch-sos-kd - 12/18/2013 5:48:42 AM
Custom table - export to action - exports without national characters
I experienced the following problem:

Kentico v7.0.43 one of sites uses culture Danish-Denmark

1. I go to CMSDesk -> Tools -> Custom tables
2. Select one of custom tables
3. Check the data - they have Danish characters
3. From the bar above data grid select Actions -> Export to (all have the same problem)
4. Export works but all national characters are REMOVED from exported data.

I tried to find any hints and also changed that system use Danish language for no Unicode programs but nothing works.

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Kentico Consulting
Kentico Consulting
Kentico_RichardS - 12/19/2013 2:21:47 AM
RE:Custom table - export to action - exports without national characters

Thank you for your message.

Unfortunately I was not able to reproduce this issue on my end. In my sample table a put some danish characters, exported it, imported in another instance and it was displaying correctly. The only difference is that I wasnt using Danish-Denmark culture (however I dont know how it could cause issues). Could you please try to import the following package to your site - does it show you correctly? Please download the export package at:


Let me know how that works.

Kind regards,
Richard Sustek

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newmedia-sos-kd - 12/20/2013 4:24:14 AM
RE:Custom table - export to action - exports without national characters

Thank you for the fast reply.
Unfortunately I was not able to load the custom table as there is it requires a version 7.0.65 and I have 7.0.43.

At the moment I have a theory that problem have been fixed somewhere bettween those versions. I will apply all patches on the test kentico instance and try if my problem stays.

Kind Regards

Bartek Miluch